Is is just me?


Idk if it’s nose blindness, 3 bouts of Covid of what 9 out of 10 strains just don’t stink like they use to….. I remember back in the day ridding around with the boys at twilight hrs bike if up to the smoke spot and a dime bag in the guys pocket 5-10 yards in front of me smashed my nose like a brick the whole 20 min bike ride. Or a dub sack stunk up the whole room when u left and came back a few hrs later…like walk into room and as soon as you opened the door…BOOM….. oh shit I gota get on that before the old man gets home…..
Is it just me or does weed today for the most part at least…. Just not stink any more???
I've kind of noticed the same thing, nothing stinks like the weed I had 20 years ago. It was so bad I had to store it in a cooler in the basement, after zip lock bagging it twice, then inside a plastic container, inside the cooler. Every time I opened the cooler to replenish, never leaving the basement room, the whole house would stink for a day. Now, I just assume I can't smell it anymore, people tell me they can smell it but I can barely smell anything. I think you get used to it.
Smell was bred out for safety of the grow Kevin Jodrey says in one of his vids. Its coming back with Legality. I've grown some stinky stuff.
Remember Skunk from back in the day?
I am somewhat nose blind though. Alot of times I can’t smell it but other people say it’s smelling up the whole room/house and all that. It fkn sucks.
I feel the same way but just blame it on my pack a day cigarette habit. I did have to reprimand my coworker for opening one of my jars inside my hot closed car last week