Is it a Deficiency OR Normal Flowering??? HELP Me figure it out (GOOD PICS)


Well-Known Member
This is my AUTO PURPLE at about 8 1/2 weeks
in a 1gallon DWC, with the Lucas Formula at 0-8-16

upon looking at it, i notice some orange-yellow spots on the top fan leafs

I also notice some of the same spots, on top sugar leafs

So I'm not sure what it is, it could be a Cal or/and MG Deficiency, but I'm not 100percent sure if it's a Deficiency or just what happens when its flowering so can some one help me identify and fix this if it is a problem at all.


Well-Known Member
They look pretty good. I do see a tiny hint of leaf tip burn...especially on that last bud pix. Are you pushing the nutes pretty hard? It might be a good idea to back off a smidge.


Well-Known Member
Root bound too fuck, budget 1 us gallon per month the plant is alive with you soil and dwc, not far to harvest so no more max. nutes slow the feed to reduce any chance of further burn


Well-Known Member
I'd back off the nutes and get plenty more oxygen in there. Should help with the droop. Are the roots looking alright?


Well-Known Member
They look pretty good. I do see a tiny hint of leaf tip burn...especially on that last bud pix. Are you pushing the nutes pretty hard? It might be a good idea to back off a smidge. Otherwise AOK...
no I just been giving them 0-8-16 lucas formula, but I have been thinking of taking it back to 0-4-8 so I'm just going back to that and next sunday I will flush for its final week of flowering I was originally going to flush 3-4 days before harvest but I figured with this issue I'll start it sooner, thanks for the help guys I will post final harvest day pictures and all that when im done


Well-Known Member
white leaf tips, Magnesium deficiency.
Chalk it up as experience for the next grow.
Not much you can do or want to do this late in flower.
Looks Good...

Good Luck on your Grow


Well-Known Member
white leaf tips, Magnesium deficiency.
Chalk it up as experience for the next grow.
Not much you can do or want to do this late in flower.
Looks Good...

Good Luck on your Grow
I have cal/mag, and I can easily add it to my next res fill up, I was thinking doing 0-4-8 and 2ml of Cal/mag


Active Member
Nah don't waste good calmag. The plant will be dried and smoked before it drank enough anyway.

Shouldn't affect your yield or smoke quality one bit.
They look great btw :)


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a plan. And you mentioned halving your nutes...that's not really needed. Drop to 75% of your current rate and you'll be plenty safe.


Well-Known Member
Killah wrote: what would 75% be? like for the lucas formula like 0-6-14 ?
Hey man, I'm a simple sort of guy. I'd just mix a batch of full strength nutes (like what you were using) and dilute them with extra extra 25%. Wouldn't that work?


Well-Known Member
ughhh I'm in what i'm assuming is my last week, and the sugar leaves are starting to turn orange-yellow very fast, is this gonna effect the taste of my BUDS? cause from the looks of it I think I might have to do another week or so cause most of the trichomes are just barley turning cloudy as of about a few hours ago,


Well-Known Member
Not sure why this issue is spreading and so fast. Maybe you ought to just start your flush now? Post a picture...maybe this is something different. Or is it looking like progressive nute burn.