Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)



I am growing first time outside from different strains clones.
Is this one a male or little bugs starting?
Thank you!



Well-Known Member
I think you need a better pic. I can't really see anything from that. Looks like it has trichomes though, but I'm not sure. I've never grown outdoors. Maybe they all get like that when they have natural lighting.



Here more pics. The plant inself is on the right, photo # 1
I bought 3 clones from LA dispenceries, I do not remember the names, :O(
one was Super Skunk, I do not think I got any of Dr. Grinspoon.

This plant is 3.5 months old but twice smaller than others


really.... :O(

it smells like pot, smells like very good stuff and it is sticky and leaves are full of white christals


Well-Known Member
Well maybe it's pot but if it is, it's got really screwed up genetics. Can you take a pic of a whole fan leaf? It doesn't look like it's growing correctly. I can see the hairs coming out of it but they look like they're already turning brown. Did something happen to it shortly after it started to flower? It looks stunted or something. Maybe root locked? What kind of soil is that? Looks like it has a lot of clay in it.


I dug the hole in the dirt ---- about 5-7 gallons and filled it with Fox Farm and I planted the clones in that. And I am using Fox Farm liquid plant food all the time.
All other plants are going great.
This one doesn't have fan --- it has separate leaves coming out of the stern. Yea, you are right, I bought this clone from craiglist, maybe it was defective right from the start. This is the top of the plant:
Thank you for reply5.jpg


You cannot be serious? I dont mean to offend, but Cannabis indica, sativa or ruderals does not look like this.

Are we seeing the same picture? 2 leaf sprouting? Just because a plant looks a little bit similar does not make it.

Now we just need a google wizz to find the name!


Active Member
I cannot smoke enough of my nugs to make it appear like pot to me.
You would be surprised ;).. I'm not saying that this is or isn't because I have no clue where it came from, however as mentioned before Dr. Grinspoon doesn't look very much like bud but it is. I bet it is some kind of mutation


You cannot be serious? I dont mean to offend, but Cannabis indica, sativa or ruderals does not look like this.

Are we seeing the same picture? 2 leaf sprouting? Just because a plant looks a little bit similar does not make it.

Now we just need a google wizz to find the name!

Yes! let's find a google wizz!
I am posting more pics.
on the bottom "it" has 1 leaf fan and doesn't look like pot at all, but....... it has those weird little bugs and white crystals and smell like good pot!
at the middle --- it has 2 leaves fan, no flowers, no crystals
and on the top -- it has 3 leaves fan !!!
6 weird.jpg6 weird1.jpg6 weird2.jpg



The second picture looks to me like heavy sativa hybrid. But with huge mutation. Or grafted onto another plant. I dont know. Confused.

Do you know cloning? Try clone a couple under fluro's for a few weeks and see what happens. Mutations that ive seen all grow out, this plan is 3 1/2 months apparently.

Maybe hopefully (for you) quadtriple layer trichomes or somethings great. Or not? worth a try I reckon!


Well-Known Member
its just revegging guys, lol at all the previous posts blaming genetics

simple as that, its re-vegging

few simple tipoffs - the other plants in the pics in VEG, singular fuckd up leaves, normal veg looking grtowth coming out of old bud sites


The second picture looks to me like heavy sativa hybrid. But with huge mutation. Or grafted onto another plant. I dont know. Confused.

Do you know cloning? Try clone a couple under fluro's for a few weeks and see what happens. Mutations that ive seen all grow out, this plan is 3 1/2 months apparently.

Maybe hopefully (for you) quadtriple layer trichomes or somethings great. Or not? worth a try I reckon!
yes, good advice! I just clonned all my 5 plants including the weird one 7.jpg