Is it a she or a he... can anyone tell?


Well-Known Member
I just want to start a thread with this title because it seems only a select TWO ppl check my grow post, i want some others opinions. Its so nerve racking, i don't want to waste my time on a male. I just want to know for my OWN benefit, so on these other seeds I have germinating, ill know what's happening with the sex/growth. Just some insight if u see anythinf would be helpful dude! I fimed for the last time and lst'd again tonight because she was starting to get tall again, I want "her" to stay bushy when i go into flowering, so she'll be lst'd till then.. here's another few pictures after tonight's duties.... and some from last night (in vice versa order).





here's the last fim (only done it twice, once as a baby and now)



that plant hasn't developed pre flowers's still too early in the vegetation stage. If you induce flowering you will be able to tell in about a week. If you see white pistils where the nodes or flowers will be then its female.
from what i hear sometimes a plant in veg will show sex as it gets older like months old and some people claim to know just by looking but u wont know until after u begin flower
A plant will show pre flowers while in veg letting you know that its a female and she is ready to flower. there will be little white hairs at the nodes !!
I appreciate all of the replies... but someone please tell me why this Guy said this... and I quote!

thats because you're a dumbfuck newb who doesn't know shit about growing but loves to give advice. Female plants bro, that's from someone who has a clue.

Oh and I know a little something about telling the sex of the plant..... it just baffles me that this plant has been in veg for almost 2 1/2 months and still nothing!! Its been transplanted into 3 different pots though with 3 different mediums. Took me a while to figure out exactly what i needed and when i found it, BOOM - this thing is taking off like a rocket! 1-2" growth in every direction EVERYDAY!

Edit** Can someone please use Microsoft paint or something and point to exactly where I should be looking on MY PHOTO/PLANT?! PLEASE!!
Because hes a moron and likes shelling out bad advice? As everyone else has said...its not showing sex yet...give it time :)
unless u c something i dont its still too early looks like the deals that grow at every node dont remember what there called think they start w a s .............maybe somebody smokes less than me knows still ???
lol...i remember my 1st grow....i was so excited when i saw ANY growth.....but no, yours isnt showing sex yet (that i saw nyways)....looks goo tho
You'll definitely be sure when u see them. Real thin whispy hairs. Like White as can be, albino looking. I was mistaken a few times but when it happened I was sure
Thanks for all the replies, lol I pretty much know what i have to see.... just grasping for straws I suppose!

have you changed your light cycle to provide less than 13-14 hours of light per day?

I plan to this up coming monday, I was hoping to be lucky enough to see some preflowers before doing so though! Nonetheless, it will go into 12/12 on Monday - I plan to do a "wash" before starting the 12/12 using PH balanced H20, let it 12/12 for a full day AND THEN start the bloom nutrients! (Sound like a decent plan?) /I have another strain (single seed called "Fruity Loops" (because I SWEAR it taste identical to fruity loops once blown out - guess that's where my buddy got the name! *smack forehead*) in germination right now. Its doing EXTREMELY WELL in a wet paper towel, soaked in a ST/H20 solution everyday. The Guy I got the seed from this time is a grower as well, he swears up and down that its a femanized seed because it came off a plant that's never had contact with a male.

Anyways, I'm thinking of cloning the female plant after harvest (if one of the two are a chick and the other a male) and then using it as a "grandmother plant". That way i can have a female plant consistantly pumping out seeds in another grow box, while another clone (from the same feminized plant) is by herself consistently pumping out seed free BUDS! Sounds like a plan to me!

Now, if only I could get a female out of the two....