Is it at all practical to grow in a dorm room?


Well-Known Member
screw that dont do it, you have way to much to loose if your in a campus I assume your in college, do it when you have your own place, and regardless of where and when you do it YOU NEVER TELL ANYONE.


Well-Known Member
I think we are beating or heads against the wall here fellas...Some plp just have to live and learn...
Man good old dorm life...Surprise inspections anytime they want too...
"just read that good old waver everyone signs in the dorm, that reads they can inspect your room without notice""
Shit most of the time they are just doing safty inspections and looking for damn hot plates, and thats when they find all the good contraband...Hey man its all good to have thoes big brass nuts, but if you start clanging them together too much, " your going to get them crushed".
Good Luck


Active Member
yeah its definitely seems to risky to do it in a dorm. dammit i wish i had an apartment. oh well, i guess i'll have to wait until next year.

in regards to that, i've asked this question a few times but might have missed the response. if i do this next year in an apartment, what would you guys recommend for a nice indoor sativa/indica hybrid that doesn't grow too large?


I personally wouldnt do it because its just too risky and not worth it at all. but about the plant size thing, if you have the money or the hookup, auto flowering seeds (learn more on grow small, and bud fast for quick medium sized yields.


New Member
Poster was right. Stupid idea.

Do you even have your med card?? You said Santa Cruz, so your in cali? Get your med card with that $200. Then wait till you have an apartment.

And if your thinking about growing at college, perhaps you should just study.....


Well-Known Member
Growing in a dorm is just asking for trouble. Not only can you get busted, but you can get the boot from the school.


Well-Known Member
NO!!! Not sure why anybody paying lots of money to live in an on-campus dorm room and go to school would risk getting kicked out of school, or even worse, going to jail to grow a few measly pot plants.

Solution= move the fuck out! It really is THAT simple. Please don't be stupid and risk it.


Well-Known Member
growing in a dorm room is a horrible idea. i guess it really depends on your halls ra but most ra's are dicks


sounds mad sketchy grow in the woods somewere just dont be seen!!! or just wait till u have ur own place much better idea ill say !!!