is it bad to smoke by yourself


Well-Known Member
i smoke by myself quite often. Don't bother me one bit. The key is to get busy doin something, and you need to "get in to it". If i sit around i too get bored, so i try not to sit around.


Well-Known Member
I smoke by myself sometimes. I like smoking with others because I have fun laughing. But I have no problem sparking when I have the house all to myself, watching a movie, and just relaxing.


I smoke alone all the time, and while it is medicinal, I did it before I was injured as well. It helps me to focus, to clean... A lot of the time it helps me to be more precise and to get better use of my day.
Believe it or not.
The only time that smoking alone is a bad thing is when you don't WANT to be doing it.


Well-Known Member
I was 3 in 81. I've probably heard that song a 1000 times on the radio thou.

Very high!!:eyesmoke:
i smoke by myself after a long hard day at wrk. helps me to mellow out. plus house chores are WAY more fun after a bong rip or 2 lol :D especially yard wrk, enables me to rilly smell the roses :)