Is it bad to store buds in the freezer???


I haven't really seen anything here or should I say been able to find anything on hear about this and I'm curious as to whether it's good or bad. I know it's o.k. to store seeds in they freezer so why not buds?


Well-Known Member
i think i read a thread about long term storage in the freezer. something about bagging your buds in sealed freezer bags and putting that in your jar in your freezer .
also when it comes out it needs a little cure .

unsure how accurate this would be.

i might try this out with my cheese. keep 1/2oz in their and take a little each month to see if it degrades etc.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I have stored buds in the freezer before but unfortunately they never lasted as long as they should have:) By that I mean it's more of a long term storage system otherwise I store em in the fridge. Just as long as they are properly dried and cured you should be fine. I read it in books so it wasn't a trial and error type of deal I'm sure most books have a chapter on storing everything maybe even the FAQs.


that's cool. i was just wondering. i just dont know what im gonna get and wanna keep it fresh as long as possible so i guess i'll just refrigerate it.