Is It Cheesy Enough??


Been following this site for a while, and I have to say that I've learned a great deal. Thanks to all for the info. I've finally had an opportunity to conduct my first grow. She's about 7 weeks into flowering. Trichs are turning opaque. Obviously I want to make sure that I'm cutting at the right time. I took a sample last weekend and was knocked on my ass for 41/2 hours. Just want to gain input from the smart peeps who can tell me how in your opinion how much time do I have left to wait?



any thoughts on what sort of time frame? I looked under a X30 and I see the mushroom formation. They're starting to become translucent. I'm looking for a ballpark figure on harvesting. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
10-14 days, but that's just my 2 cents. Looks like they may fatten up a bit yet.'s tough to tell much from that pic.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
It has a while to go.
you plant is too white. it should be brown.
In 2 weeks try looking again. I'd guess you have 3 weeks to go.

I grow GHS's cheese and i'm at day 70 and I got a week and a half to go. (Soil grown tree with some lightning issues that probably delayed stuff)
You might wanna look at my journal to compare.