Is it even possible to grow outdoors here?


Active Member
I live at a high altitude. We have 6 months where the temps will not dip below freezing, but I think the problem would be at the end when flowering. The timing of it all: shorter days = flowering but also = freezing temps.

As the days finally get down to 12 hours in length, the temp starts getting low as well. So I fear that growing all summer would be a waste, since by the time they finally start to flower, they will also be freezing and probably ruined.

I've never grown outdoors so I am not sure how this works. Again, they won't switch to flowering until the days are near 12 hours long, right? Or do they get triggered once the days start getting progressively shorter? So even when the days are 14 hours, but decreasing, will that trigger them to flower?

I want to grow outdoors this year, but I worry about wasting my time if they will ultimately freeze and die right when they are starting to produce.

Maybe I should just run some auto's? Then again, the yield sucks on those, so it just doesnt seem worth it.

Any thoughts, advice, experiences to share?



Well-Known Member
when is the aproximate date you get your last frost in spring? also when first usualy comes in fall? greenhouses will extend your grow time. yes the days dont need to be 12 12 they respond to getting less light its natures way of telling them to reproduce. dont even think about the 12 12 when growing outdoors. some plants will respond early and start budding in early july and can be harvested begining of sept. you may have better options than autos. some good herb is produced at high elevations 6-8000 ft believe it.


Active Member
I am getting ready to grow in 1500 ft elevation in NorCal. I have grown 100% sativa indoors and have had good/excellent results with quality but poor quantity(about 4 ozs per plant). and big electricity bills, so now I am getting ready to grow outdoors in mountains and need exact reccomendations as to what type to grow at this elev.(have heard indica grows better than sativa!) Want quality as well as as much quantity as I can get here - Any reccomendatiions as to what type to plant? Please explain why and also any particular info as to transferring seedlings from art. light to the natural light (how will plants adjust from 18 hrs indoors to probably 12 hours outdoors, etc...)
Please give educated/experienced reply or dont reply.
I really appreciate your input!!!


Active Member
when is the aproximate date you get your last frost in spring? also when first usualy comes in fall? greenhouses will extend your grow time. yes the days dont need to be 12 12 they respond to getting less light its natures way of telling them to reproduce. dont even think about the 12 12 when growing outdoors. some plants will respond early and start budding in early july and can be harvested begining of sept. you may have better options than autos. some good herb is produced at high elevations 6-8000 ft believe it.
Do you know which particular ones respond good in high altitudes?

I have at my disposal the following:

*White Berry
*Afghan Kush (Pure) (probably the shortest flowering time of the ones I have)
*Afghan Kush/White Widow
*Northern Lights #9 (this being the best for me indoors)
*Bubble Cheese
*Super Skunk
*LA Woman
*White Widow
*Big Bud/NL

Our average low temp is not above freezing until April, but even in May we have an average of 5 days that drop below 32f. So that's 5 days too many, right? these plants can't survive freezing temps, can they? If not, then I would have to wait until late May to plant outdoors.


I should be good until October. September has 1 day on average where the temp drops below freezing, but then October has a dozen. So I would aim to harvest prior to October, if possible.

Now, the days begin to get shorter in the 1st week of July. But very gradually so throughout the month. From about 14 hours and 50 minutes in the beginning of the month to about 14 hours and 10 minutes by months end. Will that slight decrease in daylight trigger flowering???? and if so, about which point should I count as day one of flowering?

I need to know exactly when the flowering would be triggered, so that I can figure out if my plants would be done by the time the weather drops below freezing. If that slight decrease of only a few minutes in early July would trigger it, then great, that would give me enough time. But if it doesnt switch to flowering until there is a more drastic change in August or beyond, then I probably would not be able to get them harvested in time.



Active Member
i think u will be fine if u stick with an indica dom . they will start flowering around the end of july into early august.. u will know when u see little whit hairs coming out of the caliyxs and if its a male there will be little balls .. as long as it warms up in the day time u will be fine u just have to keep an eye on them worst comes to worst u might have to harvest a little early or atleats the top halfs . but it still would be better than not growing them at all . if u could start indoors to give them a jump start i think u will have good results.
Go with the afghan kush bcuz it's a real resitant and hardy plant and thats wat u need. Just try it out and best of luck to you, growing weed is like a box of chocolates cuz u never know wat ur gonna get:)


Well-Known Member
cissy my grow season where i live is from june 1st till late sptember it limits what i can put out but there are still lots. i have grown afganis and many afgani crosses and a super skunk cross that did well where i live. thats the limit of my expierience with your strains. but who knows most of the "strains" out there are the same shit renamed, and rehashed from differant companys. you may want to look at some canadian companys that specialize in early outdoor. just becouse it isnt hyped doesnt mean it is not good. with my early season i start them well in advance of putting them outdoors. you cant count on a day one of flowering for any specific plant unless you have a known clone from a previous mother that flowered at that date. all plants will start flowering at differant times when dealing with seeds. clones from the same plant will start at the same time. yes the time change should trigger the earliest of plants to start flowering in july. ive had great plants finish by sept 10th with 1lb plus if you start them early and take good care. this however is not my norm but possible. anyway look around find some canadian seeds that will finish early that would be a good bet. ive grown lots of dutch seeds that said they would be done by mid sept but were not done going into october,canadian seed times seem to be more acurate at least if your living in north america. well i hope this helps some. peace


Active Member
cissy my grow season where i live is from june 1st till late sptember it limits what i can put out but there are still lots. i have grown afganis and many afgani crosses and a super skunk cross that did well where i live. thats the limit of my expierience with your strains. but who knows most of the "strains" out there are the same shit renamed, and rehashed from differant companys. you may want to look at some canadian companys that specialize in early outdoor. just becouse it isnt hyped doesnt mean it is not good. with my early season i start them well in advance of putting them outdoors. you cant count on a day one of flowering for any specific plant unless you have a known clone from a previous mother that flowered at that date. all plants will start flowering at differant times when dealing with seeds. clones from the same plant will start at the same time. yes the time change should trigger the earliest of plants to start flowering in july. ive had great plants finish by sept 10th with 1lb plus if you start them early and take good care. this however is not my norm but possible. anyway look around find some canadian seeds that will finish early that would be a good bet. ive grown lots of dutch seeds that said they would be done by mid sept but were not done going into october,canadian seed times seem to be more acurate at least if your living in north america. well i hope this helps some. peace
Helpful indeed! TY

but i dont wanna buy any seeds. would rather go with the clones i already have.

being that the AfgKush flowers fastest, i might go mostly with that.. and try a couple others as well.

1lb per would certainly be nice!!!


Active Member
i think u will be fine if u stick with an indica dom . they will start flowering around the end of july into early august.. u will know when u see little whit hairs coming out of the caliyxs and if its a male there will be little balls .. as long as it warms up in the day time u will be fine u just have to keep an eye on them worst comes to worst u might have to harvest a little early or atleats the top halfs . but it still would be better than not growing them at all . if u could start indoors to give them a jump start i think u will have good results.

I'll be rooting them indoors. clones from mothers i already have.. might veg them indoors for a month or so beyond that as well



Well-Known Member
Yes - it's possible. Do like many gardeners do, and start the plants indoors a month or two before it will be warm enough to transplant outside. That will give them a month or two outside to veg before the days gradually get shorter.
Well lemme tell ya it's definately possible. Idk how old u are but I've been growing ever since I was 14 and my landscape situation was even worse as I lived in densley populated part of town and only had a couple of small woodsy areas to choose from. These areas were very small and were polluted with garbage from constuction companies and dead vegatation. This is good bcuz nobody wonders in the to walk their dog or take a hike. I found a clearing that recieved 10 hours of sunlight and it was perfect, but it had terrible clay soil. So I went into the shaded parts of the woods and found sum soil that had been composting over the years with all the dead vegitation. It was dark ,moist ,and loose. It probly had sum nice nutes from the dead wildlife too. So I went back to the clearing and dug sum holes in the ground(2ft deep and 2ft wide) and then I filled the holes with the soil I had found in the woods. After that I basically grew a plant in each hole. I had no way of obtaining fertilizer either so used my own urine as fertilizer. I got great results too, all my plants were close to 5ft and I got at least 5 ounces out of each plant, it was great. Anyways that was my first year growing the greens and all my plants were bagseed. I did the same thing 3 years in a row after that until I moved out of my parents house. But yea Im paying 4 college with the money I made selling that weed I grew. It was good outdoor headys too, crystally nug. I used to start out with 20 bagseeds each year and end up with bout 7-8 plant making it to harvest( rest wer males and couple got eaten by rabbits). So if u do the math, and sell each ounce for $250, I ended up making bout $4500 just from selling to kids in my neighborhood and skool and smoking the rest by myself. Ahh those used to be the days!


Well-Known Member

My growing season is similar to Sodlite's

I put mine out the first to middle of june.Harvest the end of september to early october.Sometimes we get an occasional frost in september. I'm at 46 lattitude.

I'v grown White Widow,skunk Northern Lights,and Bubblegum and all done fine.

Straight up G

New Member
I live at a high altitude. We have 6 months where the temps will not dip below freezing, but I think the problem would be at the end when flowering. The timing of it all: shorter days = flowering but also = freezing temps.

As the days finally get down to 12 hours in length, the temp starts getting low as well. So I fear that growing all summer would be a waste, since by the time they finally start to flower, they will also be freezing and probably ruined.

I've never grown outdoors so I am not sure how this works. Again, they won't switch to flowering until the days are near 12 hours long, right? Or do they get triggered once the days start getting progressively shorter? So even when the days are 14 hours, but decreasing, will that trigger them to flower?

I want to grow outdoors this year, but I worry about wasting my time if they will ultimately freeze and die right when they are starting to produce.

Maybe I should just run some auto's? Then again, the yield sucks on those, so it just doesnt seem worth it.

Any thoughts, advice, experiences to share?

y waste those good genetics?, y not find out with bagseed so you can be sure not to waste expensive genetics?


Active Member
y waste those good genetics?, y not find out with bagseed so you can be sure not to waste expensive genetics?
These are just cuttings. Many of which I now throw away, since my mother plants grow faster than I am able to flower the cuttings.