Is it even worth it to vote?


Well-Known Member
i was talking to two friends the other night, one is from spain and then france, and the other from sweeden. they both said that this country is already much more socialist that most socialist counties in europe. that one bothered me. i cant vote for someone who doesnt believe in the usa.

Then you had better not vote for anyone who is a member of a party that would keep legitimate voters from casting their ballots - namely Republicans. They certainly don't believe in the U.S.A.


Active Member
You know, the really bad thing, is I actually think you believe this pile of crap.

Obama is the worst president we have ever had, ever. Even BUSH was an improvement to Obama and Bush was the 2nd worst president we ever had.

Take your head out of party propoganda and try to think for yourself.

Romney may very well be terrible, he probably will be terrible.
We KNOW Obama is terrible. Why stick with something we already know is really really really bad.
The worst president ever?
Worse than James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and Andrew Johnson? For me, he's not even as bad as Bush or Clinton. That being said, I wouldn't vote for him.​

I recommend that everyone vote third party. If a third party can gather 15% of the vote, they can get into the debates. Let's face it. These two a holes are on the same side of most of the issues and the ones they disagree on, they'll never get the senate or the house to go along with anyway.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Will you be voting at the end of this year? Or do you feel like it is pointless?

The powers at be want us to be passive observers... and they haven't given us any other option besides the occasional, purley symbolic participatory act of voting. Do you want the puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right?

Yes, it is pointless.