Is It Female?


Well-Known Member
jesus christ how did you get the pics so big?

i dont know if its the lighting, but your plants look amazingly green. nice!


Well-Known Member
So guys, now that I have a female. What is there to expect? what should I do now? :]


New Member
Use flowering bulbs on her and remember she's gonna get taller, 2 or 3 times taller than she is now, depends on her genetics.

She's gonna get thirsty too, make sure you keep her watered. I'm using molasses on my girl, but that is a personal preference.

Go read up on other peoples threads. IF you like how their plants look, do what they do.

Congrats again on the girl !!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck dude, can you make them bigger..I didn't see your DNA in those pics.... thanks for the fingerprint.. I'll pass it on............ then come steal that LADY while you're explaining shit to LEO.


Well-Known Member
Congrats mine has exact same stuff going on, just found out the same good news myself
well done and happy smoking!


Well-Known Member
possibly the biggest pics ive ever seen posted in a thread? lol but yea congrats on your first female, treat her like a lady my friend, and she will eventually put out