Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

:leaf:That might be a pretty stupid question for people who are more experienced. But me, I have been smoking weed for only a couple of times.

Is it healthy to eat weed bought on the street, as opposed to homegrown weed or weed bought from a dispensary? The thing is that I had to quickly get rid of the rest of my stash (about 2 grams) and I couldn't smoke it for the moment. So I brewed myself some tea, using butter and boiling water. Now that might be a total waste of weed (we'll get to see that), but it's better than throwing it away, I guess (which would be the only option, as I don't want to risk my room being searched while I'm away and any weed be found in it).

My question is whether drinking the brew would be a healthy/safe thing to do (I mean, not knowing in what conditions/hygiene it was grown). My guess is, as long it's safe enough to smoke it, it should be safe enough to eat it too. Or am I mistaken?


Active Member
Weed off the streets is grown the same as dispensary bud, no difference except the what they do suring the growing process, yes perfectly safe and healthy


Well-Known Member
you know... I would say that disp weed is checked for molds-scat-pestisides etc.. street weed is whatever is available perhaps the same crap that is rejected at the dispensaries gets sold on the streets..

if you have a compromised immune system dont risk it unless you know the source
Oh, I forgot to add that I don't live in the US, there is no medical marijuana where I live, also no dispensaries. In my country, street weed is the only weed available.

I can't say I have a compromised immune system. I do have IBS though and I'm more sensitive to what I eat than whatnot. However, given that I've smoked the same weed and everything was ok, how could eating it be more dangerous/harmful? I really want to put my mind at peace before drinking the brew...


Well-Known Member
well if there is mold on the buds... and you eat it.. your digestive system loves new bacteria and mold spores so....

I am not saying all the stuff out there is bad hell it's been over 20 years since I bought street weed.. lol
But if there's mold on the buds and I smoke it, isn't it equally harmful or even more harmful to smoke mold? I'm sorry to be such a newbie and so ignorant about these issues...

I'm just trying to assess whether eating it would be more harmful than smoking the same stuff...


Staff member
yeah just check the bud ive made most of my edibles when i was younger from street weed....
and smoke it....


Well-Known Member
you can check yourself for mold one of the signs is if you take a bud and snap it in half and see a plume of smoke like stuff it's mold
Thanks to everybody for your replies.

I finally drank like half of the brew. It was ok and I'm fine now. I think my irritable bowel didn't agree with the butter in the recipe (I should've gotten lactose-free milk, but I didn't have the time to go and buy; I will, next time). All in all, I did get pretty stoned for a long long time (more of a body high than of a mind one). It was a waste of weed in the end (I could've rolled 16 little joints out of it and get high off them for 2-3 months with my moderate pattern of consumption), but at least I'm happy that I still managed to get high instead of throwing the weed in the trash bin for fear of it being found in my room...


Staff member
Thanks to everybody for your replies.

I finally drank like half of the brew. It was ok and I'm fine now. I think my irritable bowel didn't agree with the butter in the recipe (I should've gotten lactose-free milk, but I didn't have the time to go and buy; I will, next time). All in all, I did get pretty stoned for a long long time (more of a body high than of a mind one). It was a waste of weed in the end (I could've rolled 16 little joints out of it and get high off them for 2-3 months with my moderate pattern of consumption), but at least I'm happy that I still managed to get high instead of throwing the weed in the trash bin for fear of it being found in my room...
try oil next time.


Well-Known Member
I doubt I can stomach oil in a tea. It's pretty annoying to have such a sensitive GI tracPOLITICS t, especially when fatty foods are my major IBS triggers and THC only dissolves in fat...
I de-carb at 250 degrees for an hour (stirring half way thru), grind it to a powder in a mortar/pestle and make dry capsules. Takes 2 hours to kick in, and for sure the coconut oil capsules work faster and may be more intense. But I haven't dialed in that process...the dry works fine if you remember to schedule!


Staff member
I doubt I can stomach oil in a tea. It's pretty annoying to have such a sensitive GI tract, especially when fatty foods are my major IBS triggers and THC only dissolves in fat...
well not in tea.. if you bake anything else, cause i have chrons. so i know what youre going through oil works best for me


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everybody for your replies.

I finally drank like half of the brew. It was ok and I'm fine now. I think my irritable bowel didn't agree with the butter in the recipe (I should've gotten lactose-free milk, but I didn't have the time to go and buy; I will, next time). All in all, I did get pretty stoned for a long long time (more of a body high than of a mind one). It was a waste of weed in the end (I could've rolled 16 little joints out of it and get high off them for 2-3 months with my moderate pattern of consumption), but at least I'm happy that I still managed to get high instead of throwing the weed in the trash bin for fear of it being found in my room...
damn bro u know how to make weed stretch, 2 grams 16 joints. I've smoke more than that in a sitting/blunt.
damn bro u know how to make weed stretch, 2 grams 16 joints. I've smoke more than that in a sitting/blunt.
Not my fault. It's something that's quite strange with me: I am very affected by even small amounts of most psychoactive substances (I mean, even pseudoephedrine or caffeine, if you can believe it). I call myself a regular opiate user and I only need 30-60 mg codeine to get high and almost nod off and that's just the recommended starting recreational dose (not to mention that codeine is the weakest opiate out there). I really don't know what's wrong with me...

@Sunni: Thanks for the advice. I will definitely try cooking something with oil. Does weed help with Chron's? It sure helps with IBS, in fact it's the best medication for IBS I've ever took. When I drank the tea, despite my stomach being uncomfortable with the butter, everything else was all right and I didn't need to take any of my prescribed medications for almost a week afterwards. I was so happy, I couldn't believe it (normally I can't make it through the week without my prescription pills)...


Active Member
damn bro u know how to make weed stretch, 2 grams 16 joints. I've smoke more than that in a sitting/blunt.
thats what i was thinking,he should do 1 plant from seed 12/12 and last him a year or more lmao..though he could just buy an eighth,lmao