Is it just me or are THC levels going DOWN?!

“If you’re number-chasing when buying cannabis, you shouldn’t be looking at the THC content, but rather terpenes, and more specifically, particular terpenes. The higher the terpene count in flower, the better. In extracts, it’s also better—up to a point. (High Times, again: “Extracts with higher than 40 percent terpene contents are unpleasant to vaporize, and far from the ratios found in an actual plant.”)”

Further you will probably find that eating a mango while consuming a myrcene dominant strain will get you higher than smoking it without eating the mango.
Hey now, that Acapulco Gold was some damn good smoke back in the day "it still is" and the real Thai sticks were awesome. Then there was the old school Hawaiian that would send you into space. I remember more than one occasion being so stoned that I could hardly function and even remember passing out a couple times in the summer when it was really hot and all baked on some Columbian Gold.

The thing with higher levels of THC is that peoples tolerances go up. People were getting just as high decades ago off of lower THC pot as they are today with higher THC pot. People build up a tolerance to THC so as the THC levels go up so do peoples tolerance levels. I purposely take a break now and again for a week or so from smoking. I've found that I get a much better high with less weed after taking a break. I don't disagree that THC levels are higher today in most cases than they were decades ago. But I don't think people are getting any higher. Because of peoples tolerance to THC they need more to get the same effect. If you stopped smoking for a month and then smoked nothing but say 13% THC after that month of abstinence you would likely get just as high as you do today with 27% THC weed.

TRUE Maui Wowie.
“The researchers also found that, among the cannabis plant material seized over the last four years of the study, there had been an increase in the samples of sinsemilla, which is a type of cannabis that is much more potent than other types of the drug, according to the study, published Jan. 19 in the journal Biological Psychiatry.”

Duh. The 3-5 is doubtless Northern Mexican arroyo weed. Plant it and hope la policia don’t find out. Pick the scorpios y pinacates off of it and press bricks. However there’s always been growers who could produce ass kicking stuff not found stuffed in the quarter panels of trucks crossing the border.

“Yeah we tested that load them hippies was pickin’ in the barrow ditch outside Topeka m’kay? And it was barely marijuana m’kay? But we’s a charging ‘em anyways. They’ll be working in the laundry at the Kansas state pen in no time!”
The thing with higher levels of THC is that peoples tolerances go up. People were getting just as high decades ago off of lower THC pot as they are today with higher THC pot. People build up a tolerance to THC so as the THC levels go up so do peoples tolerance levels. I purposely take a break now and again for a week or so from smoking. I've found that I get a much better high with less weed after taking a break. I don't disagree that THC levels are higher today in most cases than they were decades ago. But I don't think people are getting any higher. Because of peoples tolerance to THC they need more to get the same effect. If you stopped smoking for a month and then smoked nothing but say 13% THC after that month of abstinence you would likely get just as high as you do today with 27% THC weed.

^^This.. When I had my first toke it was on some mexi brick, but it was my goto, got me high as balls and I did stuff throughout the day. Now I still get baked, but it's different and I'd have to attribute it to the tolerance. After a 2wk break stuff hits me more like it used to but who wants to take breaks!? Lol
“The researchers also found that, among the cannabis plant material seized over the last four years of the study, there had been an increase in the samples of sinsemilla, which is a type of cannabis that is much more potent than other types of the drug, according to the study, published Jan. 19 in the journal Biological Psychiatry.”

Duh. The 3-5 is doubtless Northern Mexican arroyo weed. Plant it and hope la policia don’t find out. Pick the scorpios y pinacates off of it and press bricks. However there’s always been growers who could produce ass kicking stuff not found stuffed in the quarter panels of trucks crossing the border.

“Yeah we tested that load them hippies was pickin’ in the barrow ditch outside Topeka m’kay? And it was barely marijuana m’kay? But we’s a charging ‘em anyways. They’ll be working in the laundry at the Kansas state pen in no time!”
Lol yep used to get the bricks wrapped in aluminum foil. Shit would get you stoned!:bigjoint: But I remember sucking liquid bug guts through my chillum a few times too, talk about a nasty surprise!
@blowincherrypie put it best. I think it all goes back to where you were in life when you recall great stones. At 15 I got high asf off brickweed but i also had a lot less stresses going on in life. The bud I grow now is 10x better than that garbage back then, but i have way more going on in life. Daily stresses, monotony, and just falling into a 'smokers rut' may make it seem like I dont get as wrecked as some of those great highs from tireweed from my younger years. Just my .02.
@blowincherrypie put it best. I think it all goes back to where you were in life when you recall great stones. At 15 I got high asf off brickweed but i also had a lot less stresses going on in life. The bud I grow now is 10x better than that garbage back then, but i have way more going on in life. Daily stresses, monotony, and just falling into a 'smokers rut' may make it seem like I dont get as wrecked as some of those great highs from tireweed from my younger years. Just my .02.
Not too long ago I’m smoking a chillum load of Nacho I had jarred and in the freezer from last year. Driving 50 miles to town and only one business between the two points. One. Huge place that’s a bar that’s halfway between Fairbanks and Nenana AK. I was pondering whether I still got high from it when I noticed Skinny Dick’s was 7 miles behind me and I didn’t remember even passing it. Now that’s some tolerance. Good bud too. Nacho. Blackberry Kush X Confidential Cheese.
Do you think that certain strains are more potent than others? If so, how did they get that way? Did God make them that way? Do you think Jack Herer started out with the same potency strain that he ended with?

I'd agree with many here that some labs were/are not good eggs, but I don't think anyone here can really say what the max THC% can be. I also think that its been increasing despite the ambiguity coming from the "for profit" labs. A quick look at the weed tested that authorities confiscated throughout the years shows that.
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Again, American Experiences and not those of the rest of the world.
I think the graph actually shows the importation of stronger cannabis.

I do agree with you that THC is slowly getting stronger as people breed for it but land race Thai is mid to high 20s. Roadkill skunk and skunks in general had to be around 20%'s.
Again, American Experiences and not those of the rest of the world.
I think the graph actually shows the importation of stronger cannabis.

I do agree with you that THC is slowly getting stronger as people breed for it but land race Thai is mid to high 20s. Roadkill skunk and skunks in general had to be around 20%'s.
Ya you could be right. I bet there's some Americans that would say they had some pretty good stuff back then too.
Ya you could be right. I bet there's some Americans that would say they had some pretty good stuff back then too.
And they would of. As always its who you know.

Neville didn't create the worlds first seedbank for no reason.

"Nevil's 83/84 collection trips to the US that he aquired, from Sandy Wienstein (who passed in 1987) the only G-13 cuttings to ever leave Sandy's garden."-

RIP Nevil.
I would say that the commercial weed of today is more potent, technically....but IF the old strains had been grown with the tender loving care that we give the strains of today, then I think it would be a MUCH different story. The flavors of the different kinds of weed (even as limited as the choices were back then) were very distinctive. A lot of strains, today, seem to take on the same general kind of flavor profile -not bad, but just nothing that clearly sets one strain apart from another.
TBH I've grown some very powerful strains that are somewhat of an unpleasant high. But I've found a reserva prada Apollo 13 that is as spacey as the stuff I used to smoke. Euphoric. Then I forget shit. Then I laugh. It's taken me 5 minutes to type this. I got to reveg this. Very frosty plant. This is the sativa leaner. Damn I'm rambling.
The main indicator of the maturation of da buds is the crystals, if they are short and small bulbs at da end then they are just starting and then they get longer and the balls at da ends get bigger and the clear parts of it are immature, da cloudiness is da mature parts. When it's fully cloudy it's at its peak then starts to turn Amber even after its peak increasing potency even more but making the characteristics of the effects of da smoke more & more indica type heavy sleepy n such da more & more it's gets more ambery. Do if it's a sativa it starts to turn da high more indica.
I think a lot of shit you get isn't fully mature, and therefore not as potent but looks beautiful. They're in it for the quick cash. I can tell a huge difference when I let mine fully mature.
I think sumtimes yes but sometimes no it's just old genetics and jammed with raw cheap feed rather than the most expensive high tech shits.
Ya you could be right. I bet there's some Americans that would say they had some pretty good stuff back then too.
Damned straight. Lots of people with special strains they ran. Pollen chuckers but secretive. First huge sinsemilla bud I ever saw was before 1973. Guy had a suitcase full. South American. Huge fat colas while we were all growing sativas with a lot wispier buds. Nobody gave much thought to growing under lights until the SBA and the Agriculture department teamed up to give grants and loans for greenhouses to grow hydroponic tomatoes in the Southwest. Wasn’t 3 years after that started that this one longtime farming family was under arrest for growing pot. I always thought they had too much nice stuff for tomato farmers. Plus you never saw farmhands there to do anything. This was 1972. Southern NM.
reminds me of being a kid spending the night a friends house, who's dad had "cactus" growing in the basement, with those plastic strips from the grocery store to keep the moisture in. the dad was divorced & i only spent the night when my buddy visited. shit he had everything as a kid, we stayed up all night playing jeopardy, some motorbike game, & duck hunt. i got a million stories that make sense to me now that i am an adult.
get me some 100% weed dammit
^^This.. When I had my first toke it was on some mexi brick, but it was my goto, got me high as balls and I did stuff throughout the day. Now I still get baked, but it's different and I'd have to attribute it to the tolerance. After a 2wk break stuff hits me more like it used to but who wants to take breaks!? Lol
I take breaks all the time, my last joint was at least an hour ago on account of I was cutting aluminium on the table saw.