is it just me, or do these look like their yellowing?!


Junior Creatologist
Ok, they are just seedlings, and theyre under my 600w MH right now. They look like theyre yellowing a little bit to me, but it could also be just the way that theyre growing. Lemme know what you think, and if it IS a problem, what are common fixes for yellowing seedlings?? ive already moved the light WAY the fuck up farther away from the plants, so i dont burn them or anything n im not gonna move it back closer until i know that my shit is ok. Thanks in advance for everyones help.

the last three are so small because i had to replant them, because of some damage that was done while moving them, so instead of dealing with all kinds of problems, i just regermed - i had the seeds to do it, so why not, lol.

But im not gonna fuck these up, so any help you guys can give would be awesome.



Well-Known Member
Yeah looks like there yellowing, What kind of light do you have?
If its like a MH or HPS then dont keep spraying your plants cause it just
ends up yellowing them, or burning them.

Edit: Also looks like the soil is saturated, How often are you watering?
Cause you could just be over watering them.


Junior Creatologist
right on, thanks guys :D n yeah its MH right now, n i dont water but once every couple days, but i mist them lightly every morning, so that might be the problem. ill let them go for a while without the misting n see what happens. preciate it guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok, they are just seedlings, and theyre under my 600w MH right now. They look like theyre yellowing a little bit to me, but it could also be just the way that theyre growing. Lemme know what you think, and if it IS a problem, what are common fixes for yellowing seedlings?? ive already moved the light WAY the fuck up farther away from the plants, so i dont burn them or anything n im not gonna move it back closer until i know that my shit is ok. Thanks in advance for everyones help.

the last three are so small because i had to replant them, because of some damage that was done while moving them, so instead of dealing with all kinds of problems, i just regermed - i had the seeds to do it, so why not, lol.

But im not gonna fuck these up, so any help you guys can give would be awesome.

They have a nitrogen defiency. Looks like they were recently watered so over watering is not the issue. What kind of soil are you using? I ask because some soils do not have the basic npk ratio that young vegging plants need. If you still have the bag the soil came in look at the ingredients to see what the soil has going on.


Junior Creatologist
im using FF ocean forest with a smidge of perlite at the bottom which is neutral. As for the N, i thought it was too, so i added a little bit to their mix last night when i gave them a little bit of water, but thats not it neither. its gotta be overwatering. Like you said yourself bro, its been watered recently. Thats gotta be the issue man. I gave them a 1/8 dose of growbig last night cuz theyre not ready for a full on regimen of the stuff, n growbig is has nitrogen because thats what vegging plants need to get off n running, Phos for flowering (big bloom n tiger bloom). So yeah man, it cant be a N def - the only other explanation that the FAQ has is overwatering, n when i start my plants off im a little nervous about the whole deal, just like i was last time, so ii water n tend to them fuckers every single day - so im gonna cut off the foliar feeding and only water them every 2-3 days, like im supposed to, lol.

I think i need someone here with me when i lookin at them to smack my hand n go NO! whenever i reach for my spray bottle, lolol.


Well-Known Member
i dont find misting seeds does them harm,its always been good to me,ive had the same problem recently,the only thing i did diferant was i never used a heating mat this time and i also used some 20-20-20 ferts that were in a damp place for along time sio i think it messed it up,it takes a while for the nutes you added to work through,i also gave mine a spray with epsom salt and that worked on everything but the blueberry/widow thinking blueberry needs alot more nutes then most strains i have grown,but i hope we both figure it out good luck man.


Active Member
I think i need someone here with me when i lookin at them to smack my hand n go NO! whenever i reach for my spray bottle, lolol.
Hey King, I hope it's the water issue because mine look the same and i tend to use the bottle too much too. That's funny you said that about the hand smacker because my girlfriend has been doing that for me.


Junior Creatologist
seriously man, like a weightlifter needs a spotter, an eager grower wantin his shit to live needs someone to smack the shit out of him to keep him in check so he dont keep on fuckin watering them thinkin hes helping, lol. Im gonna leave the fuckers alone until the soil dries out almost completely. not only will i be able to find out if this is the problem for sure by doin that, but ill also be giving the plants an oppurtunity to do a nice big STREEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH in the process. one of my twilights is a week old and still only has milk leaves and one TINY ass set of true leaves with just the 1 petal. that shit needs to come the fuck along man - but then again, its an outdoor plant, so i dont know how shes gonna do indoors...The other twilight plant im growin is comin along just fine (i had originally germed 5, and only two of them lived), so maybe the other one is just takin her time to wake the fuck up n realize that shes viable, and its time to grow ffs, lol. My whiteberry n northern soul plants are still really small, only 3 days since breakin ground, but theyre almost bigger than the fuckin midget twilight already, lol. At least shes not dying - thats a positive i suppose :P


Active Member
Good luck with getting those going! I just went to home depot today and picked up some ironite liquid food for my plants. I heard it works well in greening up your plants so i'm gonna try it out. But then again I'm a first timer and I take advice from anyone too easily. Do you have any knowledge of that stuff?