Is it just me or is this hilarious?


Well-Known Member
I was reading my local PD blotter this morning and came across this entry. There's just something about it.

"Employees at a local gas station called the police as a child began causing problems because there were no pennies in the “take a penny” tray Oct. 21.

Officers took the child to his house."

I mean, it's like some Larry David shit.


Well-Known Member
The other day i needed 4 pennies out of the jar just to make the change easier, the guy told me I was only allowed to take two I looked at him and said Fuck you! I put a quarter in here yesterday.. lol Shoulda seen his face when I said that to him (priceless)


Well-Known Member
Wow, now the clerks are policing the penny tray that is filled by customers anyway? THAT says alot about the state of affairs in this country.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wow, now the clerks are policing the penny tray that is filled by customers anyway? THAT says alot about the state of affairs in this country.
I've seen people grab the money in the tray and use it to pay for their candy bar or soda. Sometimes you have to intervene to deal with the selfish assholes. grrrr!!