People complain their neighborhoods are neglected, then when people make parts of it nice, they are accused of gentrifying.
Seems like an unwinnable contest to keep everyone happy.
Usual shit, ain't it, the local knucklescrapers decide to live like animals, then the snowflakes come along and tell them that someone else MUST give them "things" for nothing. The problem is that the snowflakes don't tell the knucklescrapers to stop behaving like vermin, so when the improvements come the locals realise how shit they truly are and start whining because the usual suspects on the so-called "liberal" left belt fed them a massive dose of "sense of entitlement" so they believe everyone else must change to suit them.
It's even worse in the UK, loads of handouts to a whiny minority whilst the honest hard working Joe gets shafted to pay for the parasites.
It's time they had a massive reality check, they have to have some ideals inserted into their heads, ideally with a cricket bat, ideals that make sure they realise that they don't get squat for nothing. And if that means they end up on the street because they think they somehow deserve to live their entire life bludging off the dole, so be it, things have to change and nothing will unless a very hard line is drawn and stuck to.