You have absolutely no understanding of the laws. Its medical. Why would you possibly need pounds on a regular basis? Probably to ship it back to you hometown... Which is a horrible idea. With that said its not hard to find an illegal grower who can get you what you want... But its at lot easier to find someone trying to rob you or arrest you.
i'm tired of people saying mailing drugs is a terrible idea. do you have any idea how many drugs are in-transit at this very moment? if you dont, the answer is: lots. if you do things right mailing drugs is a very efficient option..
1. buy a box of disposable gloves. buy mbb bags. buy vacuum sealing machine. buy bleach.
2. thoroughly sanitize a room.
3. enter sanitized room. put on first set of gloves. place product inside first mbb bag. vacuum seal said bag. dip mbb bag into bleach solution. dispose of gloves.
4. change into second pair of gloves. place sealed mbb bag into a second mbb bag. vacuum seal. dip into bleach solution. dispose of gloves.
the amount of bags you need depends on the time you think your item will be in transit. ship a few test packages to your desired destination before beginning this process to gauge an approximate time. 3 bags is usually plenty even for international shipments.
don't be a dumbass and try shipping a half pound+ at once. i personally wouldn't ship more than a compressed quap at a time, and that's pushing it. you have to understand that drug dogs can detect trace amounts of drugs. however, if you use this method and enough bags the smell will not permeate by the time it reaches any dogs.
hope this info helps someone out there. i'm pretty fucked up hope all this makes as much sense as i think it does.