is it mids if you find one seed


Well-Known Member
Did you show him the bud before he agreed to buy it? If so complaining after the fact for a single seed seems kinda low.

Tell him you need the seed back - that it was part of a breeding project and slipped in on accident. Offer to weight the seed and give him the difference in bud, but that if he doesn't give it back you are going to have to charge him extra next time around for the cost of the designer seed.
lofl devious minds conjure up the most interesting things

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't understand your thing about how long a piece of string is?? a piece of string can always be measured, and well, you can't really measure if something is mids or headies or kb or top shelf or what... just don't get the reference to how long a piece of string is is all.....
if i ask you how long "a" peice of string is, you CANNOT answer it unless i am referring to a particular peice of string which you can then measure. there is no "standard" for string length. it varies like the definition of mids.

edit: i can now see this has been answered already. enjoy it just the same.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, sometimes a banana will form under the bud to where you can't see it somewhat late in the game and basically just make a seed or 2. The rest of the plant should be grade A if it's grade A genetics and unpollinated, grown properly, ect.


Well-Known Member
yeah he agree an looked at the bud before buying it an he didnt say nothin teill the next day night an what do u mean a designer seed
I'm using "designer" to mean top dollar. Tell him the seed has a high value to you (designer). That you or your friend is breeding a high end strain and that a single purposely seeded bud must have slipped into the bag on accident.

Hopefully he'll think he is getting a deal by receiving the seed and stop complaining. If not offer to replace the seeds weight in bud - let him see you put the seed on your scale and watch it not even register. Then put the seed in your pocket and say to him, "well looks like you didn't lose any weight after all. If you don't like the product don't buy it."

Personally I would end the dialogue with a "fuck off for good" but I'm a bit picky when it comes to who I associate with.


Well-Known Member
Ding Dong pollen is every where out side im surprised you dident have more than that 1 seed
You need marijuana pollen to pollinate a marijuana flower. Wouldn't say there is a ton of it floating around outside unless you live next door to a field of male cannabis plants.


Well-Known Member
yeha im the samee hes a stupid guy thinks he know everything about weed when ive been growin for a couple years
Then just put some spin on it. YOU SAVED IT RIGHT? DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE do you know how much money a magic seed like that is worth?


Well-Known Member
You need marijuana pollen to pollinate a marijuana flower. Wouldn't say there is a ton of it floating around outside unless you live next door to a field of male cannabis plants.
It dosent take a field of male plants all it takes is for there to be an and animal or insects to transfer it from on plant ot another insects do a hella of an lot of traveling dosent take a field jus a few

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
but it wasnt near any males just all females
if there weren't any males ,then you probably had a plant turn hermie (BOTH MALE AND FEMALE) and like i said b4, the seeds, if it's viable, should produce a female, but it too may hermie, and that can cause a BIG problem in your grow room, buy the seeds back for a 1.00 and grow it


Well-Known Member
To walk off a cliff.

Whatever you want dude. Just don't give him any money back or any extra bud. If he knows everything about weed then he knew exactly what he was getting.


Well-Known Member
Ok well I been tokin' for close to 40 years, seriously growing for about a year and a half. Guess I am still a noob though cuz idk what mids is lol. Somebody wanna enlighten me?

BTW, I love the idea of the designer seed proj lol. And this bs about demanding $ back after the weed is all gone is just that - bs.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
lol nick. let it go. your customer is a moron who thinks he is some kind of guru and nothing you say will shut him up. just don't sell him any more herb. if i were you i wouldn't give two shits what i said to him. i know you feel like your word has been insulted, but just let it go. customers like that can wreck a business anyway.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Tell him that it looks like KB it smells like KB and it smokes like KB, you don't break up the buds to inspect them for a single seed before you buy it. Just play dumb unless he already knows you grew it, then just tell him to grow his own or STFU.


Well-Known Member
"near" is a very relative term
a single grain of pollen can ride the wind a good 30 miles...or hitch rides on clothing...
a single grain can make a seed...