is it necesary to clean resavoir with bleach? as i had a bd experance once

i did not clean my res with bleach and this is hapining could it be related?

i have 10 plants in a gh aero 20 system they are all started by seed they are in week 6 just went 12/12 one has been raped of quite a few branches for clones they are mostly afgan strain room temp is 80, res temp is 75, ph is 5.7-6.4 the tds is around 1000. For some strange reason i have had 2 plants a week apart just wilt and die no reason??? All leaves are perfect in color and all the other plants are fine.... Wtf? Using fox farm products and monster grow was in the last feeding

please help!!!!!! Any one....?? Any one??? Buler?
try some hydrogen peroxide, your probglem might be root related with the high res. temps. h202 will help "clean" the roots and add more o2 into the system.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Jesus is giving you good advice. I run 3 aeroflo's and put 15 ml of h202 in each res EVERY DAY. If you are running at 75 degrees or over on an AF, you need to dose with h202 to avoid root problems. If you are running a chiller and are at around 65 degrees, then maybe you don't need it. Even if I had chillers, I would still dose with h202.