Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

Ha, thanks morgy. Theyre T5 Fluorescent aquarium lamps designed to maximize the blue and red spectrum.. as a result, it looks similar to the purple hue of LEDs
Day 38

So its been a little over a week since my last update. Since then, the walker kush was burned with nutrients. I was so concerned with the pH that I neglected to keep an eye on nutrient runoff. When I noticed yellowing starting, I thought it was still pH. Turns out that the nutrient runoff PPM was reading 2220. I have been flushing and watering with straight RO water, pHed to 5.6. Currently, the PPM reads 1020. I am going to drop it to around 500 and see how she responds.

Also, I moved four of the alaskan lemon cuts into the other side of the flower tent. It is now day 7 for them. I have been training under the screen as best as I can for their height. I have the screen almost literally squashing the plants and they seem to be responding well. I am going to continue to train them under the screen until around day 14 which will be about the time that the screen will be full. I may have entered these plants a little early into flower based on their height but to keep the schedule I set I had little choice. Sometimes a genetic will just grow faster than others. *shrug*

Here are a couple pics of walker kush just after lights out:

Day 41:

Walker kush requires water daily now. The swelling is starting to get pretty intense, and the frost is really starting to shine. A few more orange pistils in this shot.

I mixed a new batch of nutrient mix. This time it is 800ppm solid. I fed WK with a PPM read of 1120 and pH of 5.7 from runoff. Looks like she will be getting straight RO water tomorrow.

Alaskan Lemon is still stretching, but not as fast as I would like. Im really hoping that the screen gets filled and the nodes grow out far enough before the stretch ends.

Pics of walker kush:

Day 43

After reading the pH of 5.8 and ppm at 800 yesterday, I was really thinking about the yellow leaves that had not apparently gotten any better. A quick look at the nutrient deficiency/toxicity chart tells me that she isnt getting enough magnesium.

Looking at the rest of my plants, some of them were starting to show magnesium fade as well. I must not have added the right ratio last time I made a barrel of nutrient solution.

While I had definitely used enough cal-mag, I must not have used enough sweet raw. I added 20mL/gal to 15 gal of RO water and fed all my plants until the water was empty.

New PPM of walker kush reads 1300 and pH at 5.2. pH is too low to get at magnesium. By the time the pH settles (thanks to dolomite lime) she should be fine tomorrow when she gets a drink of straight RO water.

RO water barrel is empty and being refilled as we speak.

No pics today.
Day 44

Today I caught a pic right as the lights were coming on and she looks amazing.

I gave walker kush straight RO water and I think I will start letting her fade, maybe one more feeding in a week or so if the PPM count drops really fast.

pH reads 5.8
ppm reads 1200

Magnesium availability is a lot better now at 5.8, would like to see it get to 6.5ish for a little bit and the RO water should help do just that.


Day 47

This magnesium issue is getting frustrating.

On day 45 I watered with just RO water and she did not respond well: the yellowing spread further. She must be magnesium STARVED.

On day 46, I gave her 2 gallons of RO water with 50mL sweet raw.

Today, on day 47, she doesnt look any better, nor does she look any worse. PPM's are reading 980, pH at 5.9.

I dropped enough sweet raw in my RO holding tank to hit 200ppm. If it needs adjusting, it will be done. I need to start bringing the ppms down further and let the fade begin. It is much better than 1300ppm though.

I have been noticing a fade in the lemon kush that are flowering. I fed them, and saw that the water coming out of the bottom is a rustic yellowish brown - way darker than the nute solution I am feeding them. So I started giving them the RO water with hint of magnesium until this nasty crap is gone. I soak up the runoff with towels.

I made a note to buy the pre-hydrated coco coir over the bricks next time to avoid problems with not enough washing the nasty stuff while preparing the mix.

Pics up tomorrow
Day 50

Well guys, its the home stretch for Walker Kush.

The magnesium issue appears to have been resolved. The PPMs were too high for the addition of it to be ate. When they dropped down, the nute issue was resolved. When the nutrients were in harmony again, PPMs rose thanks to the nutrient release from the fan leaves.

The Alaskan Lemon has been yellowing because of the salt build up of the coco bricks. They have been being flushed for a few days and willcontinue to be flushed until the runoff isnt so dark.

No pics today
End of day 52

Im not sure if the sugar leaves are starting to show magnesium deficiency or if its just me. I decided that I need to take a little bit of background leaves in the picture while still effectively capturing the bud in the pic. (see below)

I am not going to get the flush that I wanted, but this tapering appears to be working well. The water ive been feeding is 200ppm of straight sweet raw, which is magnesium and sulfur. The ppm on runoff has been level at 5.8pH and has dropped from 1200 to 800 and is continuing to drop. This coco did not help with salt retention. I believe my next mix, which will have pre-hydrated coco and organics, will take care of this.

Day 55

The past 3 days have been hell. I came back from work on day 53 to find that my grow tent has partially collapsed. It collapsed on the side where the alaskan lemons are growing. I removed anything still attatched to the bars, including the light fixture. I have been scrambling to find a fix for this problem. I examined the plastic connectors that hold up the steel tubing frame and they are literally shattered. I found a grow shop about 75 miles from my house that has them, and they are the only one that has them in a 150 mile radius. If I buy replacements online, I will be waiting atleast a week for shipping and it was difficult to find these even online.

At the end of day 53 I also noticed powdery mildew on walker kush. I was greatly disappointed by the find and made the decision to spray her with neem, rosemary, and h202 suspended in water. I shook the plant a little to remove excess water. On day 54 it appears that the mildew is gone. I sprayed her in the morning with plain RO water and shook her up a bit again.

Today is day 55 and she appears to be doing well. The yellowing appears to have stopped (again). It looks like she has one final swell to complete. She sure is starting to stink up the place real nicely without the carbon filter attatched to the fan. Once I get the replacement connectors, I will have it so that the carbon filter rests on a small platform just off the floor of the tent.


Day 56

Tent connectors have been replaced and reinforced with duct tape. I gotta say that while Secret Jardin is expensive, their parts are really good. The tent I bought is not a secret Jardin product, they decided to let me have three connectors for free since I had to drive 1.5 hours one way to get them. When I upgrade my tent, I will definitely not settle for less than a secret Jardin. The tent is completely repaired.

I put the carbon filter on the floor, standing on its bottom which has a 1" gap until the carbon begins. I will be looking for a small platform at lowes to rest it on.

After rehanging the second light fixture, I rewired the inline fan that is attached to it and plugged it in. Motor did not spin. I checked connections and plugged it into another socket. Nothing. I checked the other fan for the other light. Nothing. Checked the connections and tried another socket. Nothing. Great, now I have two burnt out fans on my hands. I think it was because I bitched about the joys of growing and it really had to rub it in my face lol. Such is life.

Off I go to fix this mess..
End of day 56:

The fans have been replaced and all duct work has been re installed. The lights are on and all is well in the growing tent world.

I find it strange that even though I water walker kush with straight RO water, her ppms keep spiking. Today I flushed after reading 1300ppm, and she dropped down to 550ppm. Damn straight. Two really thin branches with hefty ass nugs drooped down and snapped a little at the base. I had to pluck them and they are in a mason jar now with an 8 gram boveda 62% pack. I really want to see if these do what they claim to.

I chopped down the alaskan lemons that were in the flower tent. Some of the branches got squished pretty good. Also, the overall plant vigor is low, even though the root system appeared very healthy and extensive. Ive seen much bigger plants which had worse root systems. I did keep the Alaskan Lemon mother, and I will be vegging her out for quite a while since she grows so damn slow.

Tomorrow marks the start of day 1 flower for Series 2 of walker kush. I give the maximum amount of time of 10 days for S1 to be finished. At which point, I will have already allowed the walker kush its stretching period to complete and can move two of the four plants on the other side of the tent. They are all ~3ft plants now, the stretch would make them be 4-5ft, but if there are two well trained would-be 5ft plants on each side of the tent, I will be able to adequately fill the 4x8 scrogged tent entirely with walker kush. This will effectively end my perpetual schedule but it will increase yield overall. Since RD claims it is a 'happy' high, I would like to keep some of this well into reserve.
End of day 57:

Heat has been taking over the garden room for the past few days. I have been monitoring it but with ALL equipment running, the heat is just too much. Canopy temp reaches up to 95F. If I dont do something about this now, I may not have a solid S2 harvest. The problem is the dual hose AC unit I have been looking at is $450 and I need to buy a hose extension, a more powerful drill than the 7.2v POS drill I have now, and the adjustable holesaw to run the hoses. Total cost: $805. Unfortunately, I dont have this kind of cash laying around and I have been unable to get a spot-loan.

Im dont want to get another $400+ electric bill for only running 2432w of lighting either, and taking the full load off the central AC should help the situation.

Im not really sure what to do about this situation. I will try to put some of my stuff together that I dont use and sell it to hopefully come up with enough funds to hit the goal.