Well-Known Member
my crawlspace is a concrete footer with pony walls i guess. the ground is exposed. should be plastic sheeting or tarp down there, and there is spiders. i bomb the crawl space every spring. um...well i have basement type windows in the foundation, so theres natural air exchange down there. as i passivly draw from that space wut ever air i take out of the area is replenished with outside air. if ur crawlspace doesnt have ''fresh'' air dont use it. every room is different but the passsive intake idea, with a active exhaust should be used in almost, most circumstances. A 6'' inline fan and carbon scrubber is controlling my 400sq foot 8 lamps bud room. temps may soar a lil during on time, but with the scrubber always running, intake cools the room to 60 with lights off and gives a nice purp to most strains. . .