Is it OK to maybe 'tuck' fan leaves behind other fan leaves to expose lower nodes?


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awesome.. good to know.. with my growspace, i think im only going to push a 600 watter with maybe some auxiliary cfls.. im still just torn between an hps only ballast or one that can do both.. i really wanna experiment with metal halide for veg as well as flowering with HPS.. was looking into the htgsupply 600w lights.. they are so frickin cheap, they sound too good to be true.. 120.00 for 600w hps?!?
I'm running a set of HTG 600 digitals & I love them!


excuse my nubness, but what is FIM? and yeah i got 2 growin like that.. these are all mystery strains but all came from dank.. a few were hermie seeds so they gonna be female or hermies i think.. assuming these seeds were the hermie strain.. i have no idea.. i got some lanky sativa-ish plants too that im doing a minor LST to.. gonna transplant them all to 7 gal. soon and rig up some chicken wire and see if i can't produce a bunch of nice tops. thanks for lookin.


Thanks Burna.. I'm running out of sockests in my little closet! 2 fans, 2 air pumps, 1 water pump, 2 lights.. madness i tell you!


the plant in question was a male along with a few others :( the ladies are ragin and bushy tho! so far my crop was 50% male.. hope the others are ladies! I feel like if they were, i would know at this point, even tho i didnt start flowering yet... will probably start in a week or so when i have the money to do a transplant and get some more ventilation.. pics soon!