Is it ok to trim ???


sooo iv got 4 MASSIVE NL plants 28 days into flower, i cant believe how big they have got ( not complaining lol )

So anyway just wonderd if it is ok to cut some of the fan leafs off ? most of the plant seems to be catching light but im thinking if i remove some of the fan leafs the buds will get more light... so would it effect my grow if i do ??

Thanksss :leaf:

Smucker G

Active Member
I do some trimming but very selective and don't go crazy. Nice clean cuts with good sissors or razor blade. Dont hack it up.


Active Member
it will most definatly effect the growth...your plant gets energy to flower from the leaves,,without them they will take in less energy and results in smaller yeild...dont trim...if its the smaller buds down low your trying to get light at then tie leaves or branches back or whatever you gotta do to get light down there but no trimming...ok..imo


oh right thanks i can remmber reading once that you shouldnt trim the theory was "they wouldnt be there if the plant didnt need them "

and yes it was to get the smaller buds at the bottom, its hard for me to tie back as i didnt expect them to get this big but i will have to try i suppose


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The vast majority of light blocking fan leaves can be simply moved either by moving/rotating the plants or by tying it back with string. If you absolutely can't move them, only clip leaves when the budsite isn't far underneath and won't be too far from the light to make use of it. There also needs to be at least a few weeks of flowering left for trimming to be worth it. Imho, wait a few days after trimming a leaf to remove another from the same plant.


Active Member
i hate removing any....i tie back individual leaves ,branches,anything i can without trimming leaves...they are a vital part of the plants growth during veg and especially flowering,,why would you want to cut them off...theres always ways to get light to them bottom buds,,,be creative, and if tieing back things a reccomend soft speaker wire,,it wont cut through the stocks or stems in the wind, and has a little give to it..good luck.