Is it Okay to Keep My Humidifier during Dark Period?


Well-Known Member
i have a grow room that and i got a humidifer in it it stays around 50-60% humid in the grow room when its dark and i also have 2 fans blowing so it dont get to humid this okay the way im doing it or should the plants have everything off and all the holes patched


Well-Known Member
the plants need fresh air, but i dont really think you need the humidifier on if your using the fans to keep the humidity level down
if you have the equipment use it. especially if you're in flower. 50-60 is risky business, mold is no bueno. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
your telling him to use the humidifier during flower when his humidity levels are already high for the flowering period? just cause you have the equipment, DOESNT mean you have to use it, i'd bring that humidity down to below 50 at least.
My mistake. I thought we were talking about using a dehumidifier for some reason, maybe its my I keep my humidity at 45%