Is it possible to be too bushy?


New Member
Hey guys,

So this is my Auto Mazar plant growing in a PC grow box in soil. It's around 3.5 weeks old under 260W of CFL and growing really nicely after some major stunting in its first week that nearly killed it. However its upto its 5th leaf set and still only about 4 inches tall.
The branches arent particularly long and are all so close together, i know bushy is sort after but having trouble trying to LST something so short, and each of the previous 4 leaf sets have branches shooting off them from the stem also.

Should i just leave it as is? Or as it hits flowering it will stretch a bit and allow me to more easily tie down branches?



Active Member
First, what was the stress caused by? Did it get too hot? B/c 260w seems a like a lot in any pc o.o. Either way, once you get the chance to, try to LST it hard and keep it as low as possible. You can top to slow growth down to keep it low and maybe get in a scrog if you can so you can keep it under control during flower. I'd let it veg out a little b/c if you flower it now it's gonna be a tiny plant. So try to get a nice even canopy and flip the lights.

As for your question about can a plant be too bushy... I think at a point PM can hit? Other than that, It's not bad, but you might wanna trim up some smaller bud sites and what not to divert that growth to your tops. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Should i just leave it as is? Or as it hits flowering it will stretch a bit and allow me to more easily tie down branches?
You don't want to tie down branches in flower. And depending on your grow space, a big dense bush is usually ideal. So.. it depends what you want to do... do you want to train her? Make her fill the grow space horizontally? If so, I'd top at the 3rd or 4th node and LST when the 2 colas grow out. You're definitely going to want to veg a lot longer... very stunted for that age, so you might see some unexpected stretch in the next few weeks.

Here's my WWxBB at 35 days, only about 7" tall but at least a foot wide:


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
It's not bad, but you might wanna trim up some smaller bud sites and what not to divert that growth to your tops.

it's not bad??? It's tiny and there are no bud sites to trim yet much less to divert energy to the top.



Well-Known Member
I would think it would be the perfect time to LST...once you bend it those tight nodes will all grow skyward and you'll be in great shape...bend away...g/l


First impressions are when i looked at your pic were it looks very much like Over Watering, do the pot lifting test, if your pot is heavy all the time then it's saturated with water, roots need to breath and they can't breath in water lol, you need to let your pot dry at least 50% before re-watering. also i see you have a huge amount of perlite in your mix, i'd ease off on that 10%-20% mix is more than adequate.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
First impressions are when i looked at your pic were it looks very much like Over Watering, do the pot lifting test, if your pot is heavy all the time then it's saturated with water, roots need to breath and they can't breath in water lol, you need to let your pot dry at least 50% before re-watering. also i see you have a huge amount of perlite in your mix, i'd ease off on that 10%-20% mix is more than adequate.
I was thinking the same.


Well-Known Member
Leave her alone! Even if it's an accident - that seedling has a great phenotype for growing. All that "bushiness" translates to tons of growing points per square foot. A very efficient way of getting as many grams as possible from your set-up. I would wait 5-6 weeks and take 4 clones from her and keep my fingers crossed. Anyway, don't butcher such potential. BigSteve.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
RUBBISH...if you're a butcher or something you might hurt it...the plant is a month old and in veg...just gently bend it over and let it rip...g/l
ok whatever you say dude. The thing may be a month old but it's still really short. and he's obviously a newbie soooo yah, telling him to try and lst at this point seems like a bad idea to me.

sue me


Well-Known Member
How about a happy medium for you guys:

LST would not be a bad idea even at this point, but if you do it make sure you are gentle and do not turn it into high stress training.
