Is it Possible to Profit From Creating a Cannabis Strain?

If you're only going to sell clones, is there any benefit of stabilizing the strain? Maybe for breeding purposes? When you cross a chucked F1 with a stable strain, can its offspring revert back to traits of the parents of the F1, or just the F1's phenotype? Like say I find an excellent pheno of a chucked cross and make it a mother. If I pollinate her, would her side of the offspring's genetics pull from the same genetic phenotype lotto that she pulled from, plus the genetics of the father? Or would it be reduced from pulling from only the phenotype of the mother plus the genetics of the father? Do you need stable parents to breed within the boundaries of the phenotypes of the parents? Or do instable parents breed beyond their phenotypes and into their parents phenotypes?

"Stable clones" = more repetition of the desirable traits you wanted in her. If you know who your partnering with. As far as their resulting strains have been... I tend to get hand picked clones.....
Gotten tired of pheno hunting others work for the pheno.... Some can be terribly hard to find....
Example: Clockwork orange. 1:250 average to get "IT"... At 600 for 6 beans.....Screw that! The price went down some but, they were very limited..
I'll pay up for the stable clone though.

Offspring of a mother - Pull from the same Gene pool as mom... Yes but, dad has influence too.

Cubing is a method of linebreeding. Line breeding is a form of inbreeding.. Your solidifying the possibility of same pheno expression in more offspring. "stability"

Like Back to mom, dad and then mom again ,, or dad, mom, dad . This is to the offspring "pheno" you choose

There was this well known asshole, some years back - ("ratted out some friends to the alphabet boys"). This guy was pretty damn good at drawing up the things he wanted in "Linebreeding". Man he had this 4X Sour Diesel...... Whew doggies!

Connoisseur Genetics' is real good at reworking others gear into some real serious good shit.. Plenty of Linebreeding done there...
Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze - one of the best Sativa's I've smoked and run.....
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This is like doing complex math in my head. The deeper I get into it the more I have to concentrate on remembering the previous steps, or pieces start slipping and then the whole concept quickly falls back to square one. I can't even remember my original question. ha.
I personally love chuckers, but only as long as they're up front about their work. I don't have the cuts or the space to breed out some of this amazing crosses. I'll sort through a bunch of their phenos for mothers and maybe someday use them as stock for my own breeding. Without these Willy Wonkas I would miss out on some of my all time favorite strains. Respect to real breeders too. Without their work the chuckers would have nothing to chuck.
Absolutely on both sides of that statement. I’m just getting ready to start chucking with a huge library... maybe too big for my Britches but we all have to start somewhere.