Is it possible to put Autos outside..


Active Member
At this time of year, since they are flowering the whole time the 12/12 should be enough... But will the cold (southern state) slow down their growth or kill?

I mean two weeks indoors about 60 days outdoors..

Thx Fellas!!


Well-Known Member
they should finish but they probly wont finish strong as they could because they are getting low amount of hours of light and the cold might effect i know some autos are better in the cold but not sure what you got going on so hard to judge but yes it would finish if you kept it alive but the cold and low hours are gonna be harsh

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Of course it ,ould a small green house for them...a small one from pvc and clear plastic. The suns rays are far more intense in light than inside bulbs.


Active Member
just keep em inside if your worried about bein stealthy. if you cant keep em inside just put em somewhere they will get plenty of light and put clear plastic over them. you dont have to build an actual greenhouse just something to help hold humidity and heat


Well-Known Member
its real easy to keep 'em inside if you have a spare room, closet or even a stealth tent/cab. Here are a couple strains I've grown that really don't smell that much at all if this is what's turning you off.

Fast Bud - Sweet Seeds
Either of the Blue Diesels from Short Stuff
Speedy Gonzales - Flash seeds


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I'm too paranoid to keep inside the whole time..
Ok, does the clear plastic need holes for fresh oxygen exchange?
They are going to need to get air or else the heat on a warm day will kill them. Just raise the bottom three or four inches off the ground and you'll be fine. If you don't need a pound you can try a dwarf or lowrider variety for easier stealth.


Active Member
you should get into landscaping your yard. I have fruit trees, wildflower field, vegy garden, and many assortmants of bushes. these leave plenty of places to hide a 2ft plant. Sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight.