Is it possible to transplant from Coco Coir into Soil?


Well-Known Member
I will definitely be doing that if i can't get the hang of this. I'm reluctant to pull her until i am absolutely sure that it needs to be done. I will be flushing and applying a mild epsom salt solution via foliar feeding over the next week or two. She's been steadily growing and shows no signs of overwatering. Jeffdogg mentioned that is could be a nute lockout due to her light green color, which would make alot of sense because I have given her plenty of N-P-K. So either she's starving (not likely) or she can't uptake what's already in the medium (More likely)

So if those two things don't work i'll be taking more drastic measures. I'm definitely going to be using a mild soil/Perlite mix for my next grow if this turns to shit. the only thing i have against soil is bugs. My dog is notorious for bringing in little critters. I know coco has susceptibility to insects too, but it's much more limited compared to soil (correct me if i'm wrong).

I really appreciate your guys' help. Thank you.
I actually got real lucky with 2 outdoor plants, the only thing I found was last week, a little white caterpillar crawled out (I'm assuming from one of the drainage holes because it was on the counter after I did the nightly inspection.)


Well-Known Member
coco has an affinity to ca and will pull it out of solution. I had a nute uptake problem in my mini coco hempy's, I upped the cal/mag to 5ml/gal and they jump started into aggressive growing again.


Active Member
I actually got real lucky with 2 outdoor plants, the only thing I found was last week, a little white caterpillar crawled out (I'm assuming from one of the drainage holes because it was on the counter after I did the nightly inspection.)
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Yeah man, i had a couple of mealy bugs (kinda like caterpillars) deep into my outdoor buds on my last grow. Quite a pain to pull out. I don't think true caterpilars really go after the buds though, just the fan leaves. But i'm not 100% sure.


Active Member
coco has an affinity to ca and will pull it out of solution. I had a nute uptake problem in my mini coco hempy's, I upped the cal/mag to 5ml/gal and they jump started into aggressive growing again.
Nice. Did you foliar feed them or just add it into your regular medium feed? Also, did you use a premixed calmag supplement, or a homemade Epsom salt solution?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, i had a couple of mealy bugs (kinda like caterpillars) deep into my outdoor buds on my last grow. Quite a pain to pull out. I don't think true caterpilars really go after the buds though, just the fan leaves. But i'm not 100% sure.
Is that what this thing is? A mealybug?
It was about an inch long, sticky feet,fuzzy.
I had to use tweezers to get him off the towel, and he was hanging on so hard, he actually picked up the washrag.
He had antennae at both ends too, not till I burned him with my butane torch did I figure out head and tail.


Active Member
Is that what this thing is? A mealybug?
It was about an inch long, sticky feet,fuzzy.
I had to use tweezers to get him off the towel, and he was hanging on so hard, he actually picked up the washrag.
He had antennae at both ends too, not till I burned him with my butane torch did I figure out head and tail.
no that is not a mealy bug, that is a caterpillar (not sure what kind). Mealybugs have no hair and they burrow into your buds. So annoying lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Did you foliar feed them or just add it into your regular medium feed? Also, did you use a premixed calmag supplement, or a homemade Epsom salt solution?
I use Botanicare Cal/Mag and I add it to my feed water. Epsom salts has no Cal its just a magnesium salt.


Active Member
I use Botanicare Cal/Mag and I add it to my feed water. Epsom salts has no Cal its just a magnesium salt.
Ok i gotcha. what do you think about mixing dolomite lime and epsom salt into a (very mild) foliar feeding solution? I have read that this is possible.


Well-Known Member
no that is not a mealy bug, that is a caterpillar (not sure what kind). Mealybugs have no hair and they burrow into your buds. So annoying lol.
Thanks, kinda curious to see when I finally chop the rest of her, how many more of these things I find in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention this. the strain of the plant in question is ICE from Nirvanashop.
Doesn't matter theoretically, but don't forget, with coco, you want the lower 5.8 OH for hydro, not the 6.5 for soil. :)
Sorry, dammmmmmmmm...... clicked on it as it popped up in 'my rollitup', then saw what thread it was...
repeating myself, but still, I flinch when talking about foliar with lime, just seems kinda heavy to me.
Maybe you will catch some of the REAL guys popping in here, I really like hearing from Harley, Scrog, and a few others!kiss-ass
These mentioned are just a couple of those who have helped me!


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can. I'd stick with coco if you're going to use hydroponic nutes however (just be sure to supplement with calmag).


Active Member
Hey Guys,

Here are some updated pics. I repotted her (added perlite) and flushed her. I know i said i did not want to pull her up and add perlite right away, but i did some poking around and noticed that the coco was pretty compacted; so i decided to and it flushed really well. I did that about 2 days ago and she appears to be recovering nicely. I'm going to start supplementing with some cal/mag soon. What's a good nute that you OG's have had good success with? Was planning to use this for both regular and foliar feeding.

I've heard Bontanicare cal/mag and Sea Green are both good.

Looking forward to your replies. Thank you very much for your help thus far.



Active Member
Doesn't matter theoretically, but don't forget, with coco, you want the lower 5.8 OH for hydro, not the 6.5 for soil. :)
Sorry, dammmmmmmmm...... clicked on it as it popped up in 'my rollitup', then saw what thread it was...
repeating myself, but still, I flinch when talking about foliar with lime, just seems kinda heavy to me.
Maybe you will catch some of the REAL guys popping in here, I really like hearing from Harley, Scrog, and a few others!kiss-ass
These mentioned are just a couple of those who have helped me!
Haha its all good man. I agree about the lime too, it seems to be for soil only.

That be cool to get some of those OG's in here. I asked legally flying about foliar feeding. He recommended some Sea Green (kelp) and Bontanicare CalMag. So i'm gonna be looking into those for sure...

What nutes do you use?


Well-Known Member
I'm just using some MG general purpose I had from beggies last year, but after a month or so into flower, I started using some Burpee stuff I found at Lowe's, it's a 0-15-11, and I also add molasses.
My Indica is fine with this, but every once in a while, I have to toss some of the MG at my Sativa, when she starts getting a yellowish tinge, and also some epsom every now and then.


Active Member
I'm just using some MG general purpose I had from beggies last year, but after a month or so into flower, I started using some Burpee stuff I found at Lowe's, it's a 0-15-11, and I also add molasses.
My Indica is fine with this, but every once in a while, I have to toss some of the MG at my Sativa, when she starts getting a yellowish tinge, and also some epsom every now and then.

MG? What strength do you feed them with the burpee stuff? And what is the benefit of using molasses? How does she look to you?

sorry for al the questions lol.. a little baked...


Well-Known Member
MG? What strength do you feed them with the burpee stuff? And what is the benefit of using molasses? How does she look to you?

sorry for al the questions lol.. a little baked...
No prob.
The burpee I found in the seed rack, so it's a small package like seed package.
I've been giving 1/4 tsp/ gal. twice a week since August, and my first pack is almost used up.
Not bad for $3.
The Miracle Grow stuff I use the small end of the scoop heaping per gallon about once every 2 weeks, in addition to the burpee.
People say the molasses feeds the beneficial organisms in the soil and helps the buds bulk up.
If you try it, any brand will do, but make sure it says 'unsulphured' on the label.
It's my first time using it, and on both plants, so I am unable to see a side by side comparison.