Is it possible?

I was wondering is it possible to grow a weed plant with nothing but....possibly miracle grow or some other type of soil or any dirt I can find and sunlight. I was also wondering since this is my first grow I would like to go cheap and use bagseed and no nutrients until I better get the hang for growing or is it neccasary to use nutrients. I would also be starting the seeds indoors before transferring them outside


Well-Known Member
possible...yes...worth it..not really.your not going to get the hang of growing if your plant dies from nute deficiency.if your wanting to just use soil without nutes do a search on here for subcools super soil


Active Member
i have never used miracle grow, some people like it, some people hate it.

but yes you can do it for sure. you can even go out and just till the soil in your spot and plant without store bought soil. but like someone else said, the more you change the odds so that they are in your favor (nutes/soil/sunlight,etc etc) the better your results will be.
Uga what nutes do you use? Although I might not be able to get them in my area I'd still like to know what I should get as a newbie grower lmao


Well-Known Member
Biologically speaking, the best soil is composted humus, look that up. The more worms and microorganisms the better. This amplifies the plants' ability to utilize what nutrients are already available. PH also plays a big role in nutrient uptake. Read as much as you can on botany, that's all there is to it.


Active Member
i have the fox farms nutes.
i forget what they are called, one for veg and another for flower. then whatever the amount they recommend i use half of that.
Sorry for all the noob questions but what is veging? I understand flowering is the buds right? And for now do you think I should get all the nutes or just try a simple grow for my first time? I will most likely get either fox farm that's soil correct? And as for the nutes I'm still unsure.. And on the back do thy actuelly tell you how much you need to use?


Well-Known Member
miracle grow will fuck your shit up
thats just plain bad advice.

your just starting out, the best way to do it is exactly what you are thinking about doing. and i do know what your thinking, i was thinking the same thing about 8 years ago...... it will work and its the best place to start guerilla growing.

and no nutrients until I better get the hang for growing or is it neccasary to use nutrients
thats just impossible. fertalizer=nutrients. EVERYTHING needs nutrients to survive. Nutrition is to nourish, or FEED the plant, without that it dies. plain and simple.
since you want to be cheap and start growing i can help you out, dont listen to anyone who says its not worth it because there not worth listening to.

buy Miracle grow all purpose and bloom booster ($30 for both..),black strap mollasis, a large bag of peat moss, large bag of perlite and a shovel :) my first grow was on bag seed, with miracle grow (still have the MG haha...) and 50/50 peat moss/perlite. i got around 1-2 OZ's per plant (1.2 LBS total...) and it was decent smokable bud. the taste will be alittle off but you can get most of it out with a good flush.

Biologically speaking, the best soil is composted humus, look that up. The more worms and microorganisms the better. This amplifies the plants' ability to utilize what nutrients are already available. PH also plays a big role in nutrient uptake. Read as much as you can on botany, that's all there is to it.

PH plays the largest role, as a PH of 6.5-6.8 in soil's allow the hairs on the roots to absorb the water holding the nutrients. calcium and magnesium creat those little hairs......... you dont need any worms or micro organism's to grow AMAZING pot. a quote from one of my texts comes to mind here "marijuana grows only as fast as its most limiting factor" and that comes down to 4 things, air, water, food and light. these are all that are needed to grow marijuana.
Wow thanks dude your really a life saver lmao I like that you told me what to get and how much it costs now lmao my next dumb question would be when the time comes how will I know if it's male or female and I heard that you can't keep males because they produce seeds? But do they produce buds as well? If I wanted too could I keep males or is that stupid? I'm just trying to get as much info as I can before I get this show on the road.


Well-Known Member
thats just plain bad advice.
not bad advice at all...MG is full of time release nutes that dont let you control the amount of nutes that are going into your plant...most of the time those growing in MG end up with nute burn.not to mention that half the time after opening a bag of MG you get a ton of bugs flying around.they put almost no effort into the consistency of their product.

thats just impossible. fertalizer=nutrients. EVERYTHING needs nutrients to survive. Nutrition is to nourish, or FEED the plant, without that it dies. plain and simple.
since you want to be cheap and start growing i can help you out, dont listen to anyone who says its not worth it because there not worth listening to. do you figure that...i guess back when these plants first started growing on this planet there was guys roaming the world feeding these they grow bigger,faster,and more potent with nutes...yes...but will they always die without them...not in all cases...depends on the medium they are in

buy Miracle grow all purpose and bloom booster ($30 for both..),black strap mollasis, a large bag of peat moss, large bag of perlite and a shovel my first grow was on bag seed, with miracle grow (still have the MG haha...) and 50/50 peat moss/perlite. i got around 1-2 OZ's per plant (1.2 LBS total...) and it was decent smokable bud. the taste will be alittle off but you can get most of it out with a good flush.
instead of spending $30 on MG..should get a bag of real soil that "might" cover him all the way till flower...then start veg nutes for the first 3 weeks of flower to cover the stretch then start bloom nutes...and dont even get me started on flushing and how its completely useless to improve the taste...if your watering properly you get enough flush every other watering to remove any salts that might be in the soil...the ONLY reason to "flush" or leeching as real growers call it.people have distorted the reasons to flush on sites like the ones that flush their plants for the last 2 weeks till harvest...not a bright move...why would you want to deprive your plant of food during the most important time in its growth cycle

PH plays the largest role, as a PH of 6.5-6.8 in soil's allow the hairs on the roots to absorb the water holding the nutrients. calcium and magnesium creat those little hairs......... you dont need any worms or micro organism's to grow AMAZING pot. a quote from one of my texts comes to mind here "marijuana grows only as fast as its most limiting factor" and that comes down to 4 things, air, water, food and light. these are all that are needed to grow marijuana
giving a constant 6.5-8.6 is far from the best thing to do for your plants...think of nature..rain water has a ph of around 5.8..when it rains the plant goes to "sleep" its not able to uptake the it leeches the water off as fast as it can.after lower ph water is leeched out it sucks up as much nutes as fast as it can...that when you feed it with water with a ph around 6.2-6.8.the plant is now able to take in nutes and will absorb almost all of the nutes you just fed it...same as in nature..which is what you want when growing recreate nature in a controlled environment.
research some topics on simple botany and not use MJ forums as your only source of info and you will see a dramatic change in your grows


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks dude your really a life saver lmao I like that you told me what to get and how much it costs now lmao my next dumb question would be when the time comes how will I know if it's male or female and I heard that you can't keep males because they produce seeds? But do they produce buds as well? If I wanted too could I keep males or is that stupid? I'm just trying to get as much info as I can before I get this show on the road.
best advice...stop looking for basic advice in these forums...too much bad info being shoved down people throat.start doing your research months before considering to grow...look outside of the MJ community for your basic info.learn how plants function and what they really need.learn how to read your plants...they tell you what they need.every strain and every grow will be different.before asking questions on here learn the basics...if you just jump into growing your going to have nothing but problems.its much easier to learn first then grow..instead of blowing money on failed grows while your still learning the basics


Well-Known Member
Thank you both of you lmao... I guess all I can do is read and get smarter.
read and research yes...but your proving you got some smarts by asking questions first.but ive learned over time that more info will stick if you research it yourself instead of having others just tell you the answer

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
DJ is telling like it is.
Go to Borders (going out of business) or Barnes and Nobles.
B&N will order books from another store for you, at no cost, if they don't have it stock.
That's how I got 2 of my cannabis books.


RIU Bulldog
Yeah, buy jorge cerventes horticulture bible or ed rosenthals book and read it from cover to cover. I read Jorge Cervantes' book front to back and it teaches you everything you need to know to start a small garden.
Diversity sells it if you have one in your town. Also Barns and noble and Border's books sells it. It's about $20 bucks.


Well-Known Member
dj knows whatsup. ive been on this site for over 2 years now. ive been reading through threads pretty much everyday for at least an hour a day since i started. i started growin after i learned some basics, and the harvests didnt turn out too good the first few times. but it was a learning experience, and now they are getting better, as i am STILL learning many things EVERYDAY. it amazes me how much there is to growing this stuff.

and ill say this - there are a lot of people on here that will tell u their process/system works the best. DO NOT just believe them. look through the thread, and see what evidence/pics they provide for their claims. this will stop you from going down the wrong path, and fucking up your babies


Well-Known Member
I don't use MG but I have to admit I have a friend that KILL'S IT every year with MG.
I give him clones from the same plants I'm growing and he does extremely well.
I used to knock MG, but no more. Suprise is that they taste pretty good!
