Is it safe to order in US?Any one do it?

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
im gonna say it again...Do not order seeds...grow bag seed...i have never grown or ordered...but if your head is not up your wont grow pot without a license...


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure everyone is entitled to ordering seeds at their own risk. whats with people telling everyone that ordering seeds is so terrible... and if youre promoting schwag dont you still have to grow the bagseed? how is that any different lol


Well-Known Member
i live in los angeles and i order seeds from hempdepot out of ontario canada, i have recieved every order ive made with them. ive lost orders from amsterdamn twice and gotton letters from the gov saying that my shit was confiscated and no further action will be taken in this matter!! they dont send seeds in original breeders packs but ive made twenty two orders fron them and have never had a problem gittin my seeds! they can be expensive too but i only order beanho seeds or joey weed seeds!! check em out!! hope this helps!!!


Well-Known Member
if you want grow dirt weed and smoke it youve got my bIessing, i wiII stik with ganja though, i'd qit if thats aII i had to smoke. besises you had to buy that bag from some body


Well-Known Member
exactly what i was saying haha youre just as likely if not more to get caught actually growing the plants, not ordering the damn seeds...

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Just so you know, in the US, if they deliver something, even if you didn't order it and you sign for it, they consider it to be yours. No Plausible Deniability. Doesn't make any sense to me but that is how it works.
Just so you know if you sign for it, it made it to your house already so theres know problem. (given your talking about the ups guy at your door step when you say sign for it)

And if you ordered 5 seeds i dont think the swat truck is gunna be parked behind the ups one.
"is that a pen?"
"idk man"



Well-Known Member
i've signed when i had my door locked so the mailman cant get to the mail slot, and I missed my seeds. SO they did leave a orange or peach card for me to holdon to and sign when the mailman came the next day.

But if you dont have ya mailbox/mailslot blocked theres no card to be signed.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna order seeds as Iong as i can do it , i'II worry about the other Iater.either way its gonna be ganja:blsmoke:

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
fuck livin in some state or even federal prison for that rather eat grass and and drink my own piss than live in a prison


Well-Known Member
dude what is with all these people sayin were going to jail lol. i know so many people got caught with ozs of weed and not shit happens to them. NO ONE IS GOING TO JAIL FOR BUYING SEEDS


Well-Known Member

Never say never, didn't you read this story, I forgot you don't actually read the thread you just read the last post and try to hassle that person ?

"Kentucky State Police arrested an Elizabethtown woman around midnight Saturday on felony charges after police allegedly found her in possession of marijuana seeds "


Well-Known Member
yes and she was charged with a class D felony, the least punishable kind, and was released on bail the next day. why are you trying to fuck with everyone? i just dont understand your motivation here...


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to screw with anyone, people just keep posting that this isn't possible and that isn't possible when in reality stuff like that does happen. Cops lie to do what they need to do, and the law doesn't make sense like it should most of the time, I was just trying to point out a few things in case someone did get in trouble someday they know what is going on. The most important thing is for people to use their Right to remain silent, only let the lawyer do your talking.

I'll admit my first post was BS and also a joke. It is funny that this thread sat around for awhile and no one wanted to help but at the first chance to post "you are wrong" to someone everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

Then you add in that posts that start out like this one are usually the people that are over paranoid about ordering and shouldn't be in the first place.

First a good seedbanks name gets posted to help the person out.

The person orders and sleeps on it.

They get scared and post the seedbanks name on every thread to find out if it's alright and who else is using them.

Then it draws attention when the wrong people see how many people are actually using the place.

Then they email the seedbank and if they don't get a response in 5 minutes they get worried about their money and post on every thread again, drawing more attention.

Then they think they lost their $30 on a pack of Nirvana's finest and even though they knew the risk they get mad.

Then they start posting about how the good seedbank sucks and are a scam. So then all the other paranoid people that just ordered start posting about them, drawing more attention to their name.

All the time the good seedbank that everyone uses has it's name on every other thread.

Then it gets shutdown for no reason and then you have to start using places that are so so.

When everything is fine and if they were just patient they wouold have got the stuff and life would have went on.

Maybe it is best that if someone is that paranoid they shouldn't order in the first place.


Well-Known Member
well good im glad to hear that. but the reason that this thread sat around for a while is that nobody probably saw it until you replied to the first comment. you do know the threads jump to the top of the list when someone comments on them right? and just the fact that this dude was asking if it was ok to buy seeds and the first thing you tell him is straight up no and you will be arrested. im not here to fight or argue with anyone either. you just dont go telling people shit like that...

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
Never say never, didn't you read this story, I forgot you don't actually read the thread you just read the last post and try to hassle that person ?

"Kentucky State Police arrested an Elizabethtown woman around midnight Saturday on felony charges after police allegedly found her in possession of marijuana seeds "
didn't that story say they had weed too? why play devils advocate? i had beans confiscated by customs, they sent me the letter and on my way i went. and i live in the bible belt. just order from any of the aforementioned sites and you will be growing in a couple a weeks. stop being a kill joy, we are talking about a few beans, not 3 kilo's pf cocaine.


Well-Known Member
Just look, everyone wanted a good seedbank for the US and it seems like they have one of the best now but do you want to take odds and how long before something happens since their name is posted on just about ever thread.

Just look at MP3's, that was all cool for awhile till someone wanted attention, look at me, see what I can do. Or someone wants to prove how smart they are, "look I can download this on a computer, look at me, am I a genius or what"

Then some record exec, sees it and decides to blame his poor management skills on MP3's, that has got to be the reason we are losing money. Actually they are losing money because of changing times, changing music,etc.

Then some police official wants to make a name for himself and MP3's are illegal so he starts doing his part to get his name in the paper.

Then a politician sees it and decides to pass laws to get his name in the paper.

Then before you know they are arresting 13 year old girls because she was a menace to society.

10 years ago, in an MP3 forum somewhere, someone was posting, they would never come and arrest a 13 year old girl for that, they'd need a warrant, have to see it happen, need proof it was actually you on the computer at the time, etc, etc etc.

If everyone would have just kept quiet they still wouldn't know what an MP3 was in Washington DC.

They were probably saying, we are just downloading an MP3 it isn't like we are ordering seeds over the net. LOL