is it safe?


Well-Known Member
I was moving stuff. quit. kicked some people out. made the house look like a regular house. (trying to make it seem like the people that moved out were the problem to my neighbors.) so no traffic through this house any more. Dont think the house is hot.
I have however seen a cop outside my neighbors house facing my house on the street. didnt notice him until he turned the siren on for just a second. waited about a minuit then he sped off. The other neighbor said someone broke into the abondoned house next to me and he pulled some people out( he isnt a reliable sorce.)
Have also seen cops in the neighbor hood on the other side of me looking the same direction(which is now away from me) a different more reliable (yet not sure) neighbor told me it was for some drunk down the street.
On another instance a neighbor came and told me i had to many cars at my house all the time and that i had to move one that was on his side. Hes a douche and i dont care about this. no one has called cops that i know. and i havnt moved anything for about 2 months.

Am i safe to grow?


Well-Known Member
I just feel like they got no reason to beleive im a criminal. My neighbors didnt call or anything. i know there is only one that has had a problem with me and they have only asked me to move a car. i feel like they wernt watching my house. (drug dealers up and down this street or pot heads that im safe to know they wont call) Just feel like i have made the people accross the street (the ones that asked me to move a car.) think that the people moving out were the people with all the friends. The house never smells, use a volcano to smoke and a air purifier with 3 types of filters one including carbon. got a kid and a wife. house looks legit. I feel like nothing is going to happen. Just want support.
And want to know what the cop turning on the siren for one woop means?


Active Member
i wouldn't know bout the siren... in that case if they know u got kids and house looks fine then you seem like a norm guy that could grow with no probs. sorry i didnt know much about urself.

go for it. just keep the smell down


Well-Known Member
yeah just 2 plants with another filter with them. so if i do get busted im just a pot head. ditched the scale and most my peices. just 3 now. thanks. You just saying that to support me or being honest?


Active Member
im being honest. to ur neighbours you a family guy and what they dont know is better. best of luck dude


Well-Known Member
I wish I lived right next door to a cop. I'd make friends with him, kiss his ass, and grow right under his fucking nose.

Even if he busted me, remember...he's now my friend. He'll protect me. Hell, he'd probably keep his mouth shut for 10%, lol.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt sell drugs out of your house anyways? why would you want to sleep where a bunch of people know they can find a lot of drugs? and have a bunch of other fools in your house while your doing it? i wouldnt worry about the cops i be worryin about someone trying to rob me. how many people have you already told that your going to grow?


Well-Known Member
I shouldnt have sold out of my house and now i regret it. i learned my leason.
no one knows im growing. and i didnt deal to people i dont know. I didnt short anyone at all once, it was usually fat. so no one had shit against me. i got a safe too. the house has been off radar for atleast 6 months.


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Staff member
Me in your shoes would have to move - people don't forget where they find goodies, and you sure as hell can't trust them to keep quiet.
But thats me.