is it safe?????


Active Member
i'm new here and wanted to know if it was safe to post on this site if you are in the usa? i heard i should use a proxy server is that a neccesity to NOT get in trouble w/ the law? anyone on here from usa?if so do you use a proxy? has anyone ever got into trouble using this site? sorry if it a noob question but i have a son and don't wanna take any chances more then i have to. thanks ahead of time any info will be appreciated and repped for.


Active Member
ok cool i just read the i a new and seen they deleted log in records every 6 hours and don't log ip's or anything i'll be posting my new thread in a bit.

Bud Green

Active Member
yeah I wouldnt worry to much just dont post any pics with info like a liscense plate or things like that. this isnt live chat so I dont see how they could find out anything besides you screen name.just use common sense


Well-Known Member
Do you really think you're special enough to warrant the police's attention?

They have way more to worry about, than a person growing for a themselves and some friends.

Having said that, just don't be stupid, and you'll be fine.


Active Member
thanks guys. no pics of license plates or even my face will be posted. thanks for the heads up. no i am not special at all, just don't want to "become" special to the wrong people by conversating and posting in this thread. so just to clarify using this site i can't be tracked through ip adress or any other way correct? thanks alot guys, i can sleep a little easier now ;)


Well-Known Member
Hmm, i dont use a proxy of any kind. I have service from Time Warner and I registered with my normal email address. Either I'm an idiot, or everyone is really paranoid. Probably little of both.


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is put a legal disclaimer in your signature indicating that everything you post here is false, and that you neither grow nor smoke cannabis, and condone neither. Just ask half the knuckleheads on this site with said disclaimers, they'll tell you the same.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
who cares the cops arent gonna acually talk on here lol they might just sit in and listen but not go to the point of acting like people. this aint date line nbc


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is put a legal disclaimer in your signature indicating that everything you post here is false, and that you neither grow nor smoke cannabis, and condone neither. Just ask half the knuckleheads on this site with said disclaimers, they'll tell you the same.
That doesn't really do anything...


Well-Known Member
just stick around awhile and your comfort level will be at 100%,lol.dont trip,your good here.........peace,ras


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! Its all good man. If we all got busted by using this then we wouldnt use it. But you do gotta take some precaution. Just dont put down your exacy location on here. And make no way for anyone to identify you. HAHA, i wouldnt be surprised to find out the FBI has a profile on here tryin to track some of us down. BAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Active Member
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! Its all good man. If we all got busted by using this then we wouldnt use it. But you do gotta take some precaution. Just dont put down your exacy location on here. And make no way for anyone to identify you. HAHA, i wouldnt be surprised to find out the FBI has a profile on here tryin to track some of us down. BAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

comfort level just dropped a few​


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use encryption and proxy servers.Technichally yes they can trace you without precautions, will they most likely not. Anyone who logs straight in leaves a perminant trail from the site to thier connection to thier personal ip thats why proxies and excyption and secure servers are used for safety.Use these and your good otherwise just post legally.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit.................. Well i doubt they can get all of us so i also doubt they will try to get any of us. But oh well. the compuer i use and the pot i got are in two very different places.


Active Member
i read in a post by roll it up that he set it up so everyone posts anonymous and log in records are deleted every 6 hours... does this help???