Is it Smart to take pictures with a Smart Phone ??

I have just seen a news report that shows how easy it is for law enforcement (in fact, anyone) to determine the exact place where a photo was taken, using "geo-tags" that are embedded in the photos.
In fact, they featured a website that shows how this is done:
Considering this, does it still make sense to post pictures of a personal grow-op?

The report was on MSNBC on 16 Dec 2010 @ approx 1:35pm (eastern)


as anyone on here will tell you, NEVER post pictures from a mobile phone because of that very reason!
There is no problems posting pictures from a camera though :)


Active Member
Probably just never use a mobile phone for pics, but that article says how to disable the GPS features on both iphones and crackberries. Do you wanna risk it though? =D


Well-Known Member
There are lots of programs out there that you can use to strip the exif data from your pictures before posting them to the internet. Do that, and you'll have no problems.


Well-Known Member
i heard something about that they also mentioned some of the newest cameras comming out have it too.


Well-Known Member
indeed it does..if you go into your settings on the iphone every app that has the geotagging is listed can turn just the camera off if you it wont tag the photos..i think its general>locations er something

its more for people if they want to remember where they took the pictures you can look later with that on..but oh well