Is it time for me to transplant?


Active Member
Hey RIU:weed:

First grow. You guys think it is time to transplant these? The ones in the bigger pots sprouted first, about a day earlier than the rest. They are all from bagseed, so I don't know what to expect size-wise.

I feel like I should probably transplant them soon but I wanted to ask here before I did. Thanks!

also, one of the plants has like a bruised/beat-up leaf. Honestly this could have been from falling over or something, though. I don't think I'm too worried about it.



Well-Known Member
I think it's time to transplant. How big are you growing out the plant ultimately? That has a little to do with the subject although not so much at the moment.


I do npt think it has anything to do with how wide the leafs are if that was the case then I have some in 5 gal buckets that would need 35gal buckets!! You are good until you see roots staring to eclipse and come out the holes in the bottom of the pot.


Sector 5 Moderator
Do what you like but when they start curling around the sides, they tend to keep going that direction, even if you transplant. Disturbing the roots is serious stress; they will survive but they take quite a setback and you might not see any growth for a week or two. If you do it before the roots hit the sides it will be much better for the plant. I mentioned the leaves, yes you can use them to judge the width of your root system - unless they are in a tiny pot. What advantage is there is waiting??


Active Member
I've prepped my soil, going to transplant them tomorrow morning. The pots they are in are very small.



Well-Known Member
Do what you like but when they start curling around the sides, they tend to keep going that direction, even if you transplant. Disturbing the roots is serious stress; they will survive but they take quite a setback and you might not see any growth for a week or two. If you do it before the roots hit the sides it will be much better for the plant. I mentioned the leaves, yes you can use them to judge the width of your root system - unless they are in a tiny pot. What advantage is there is waiting??
Depending on how light the soil is there is an sdvantage in timing just prior to the roots circling the pot. if the roots are at just the right point the rootball stay intact when it is released from the original pot. too early and the soil falls away, wxposing the roots. Too late and the roots circle and tend to continue circling. If this is the case that the roots are circling it is advisable to take a razor knife about a quarter inch into the ball and run it down the sides of the ball in four place to prevent the roots from circling. Sure it sets the plant back and it's better not to have to do it but it beats circling roots


Sector 5 Moderator
You are absolutely right Doser. I remember Uncle Ben saying that. I use the copper treated pots and the roots stop when they hit the copper.