Is it time to harvest?


Hi all, I think it may be time to harvest my plant, but i am not sure. so i thought i would post pictures and ask.


So, what do you think? Yay or nay?

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
They are looking mostly clear mixed with cloudy. Get a 30x+ loupe or microscope and if you see mostly cloudy trichromes then that means you are ready.


Here is a zoomed in version of my second picture.

But it is hard to tell, i would think they are starting to look milky. what are your thoughts fromt he picture.


Active Member
nice plant bro still have a lot of clear and half milky trich but looking close id guestimate 10 days

what plant is it how long u have it flowering now


Active Member
I was agreeing with ruudong. I am considering topping one of mine. It is late enough in the process and I have read that it is a pretty common practice. Those lower buds would definately benefit.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
They are looking mostly clear mixed with cloudy. Get a 30x+ loupe or microscope and if you see mostly cloudy trichromes then that means you are ready.
I have looked every where for a 30x loupe...can't find any locally...only online....I live in a major city, so one would figure I could find it at a store.

What kind of stores would sell them? photo shops, head shops, grow-op stores....none seem to have loupes.

PS; I have a 150x USB microscope....don't like it as it's only as good as your video card & monitor


What are you using for light? Whatever it is, it does not seem to be working for your grow style.
I am using a 125w CFL. This is my first grow, next time i am going to put it into flowering much earlier from what i understand it will be a smaller plant but i will get larger heads and a over all larger yeald.


Active Member
I have looked every where for a 30x loupe...can't find any locally...only online....I live in a major city, so one would figure I could find it at a store.

What kind of stores would sell them? photo shops, head shops, grow-op stores....none seem to have loupes.

PS; I have a 150x USB microscope....don't like it as it's only as good as your video card & monitor
just search e bay [h=1]pocket microscope or 30xloupe[/h]in the search box you will see loads of them for very cheap


New Member
I see a mix of cloudy amber and very little clear...calaxes are swollen...very few white hairs....if ur "wanting" to chop that top bud I'd say ull b OK....should smoke good....leave ur lowers n push em up to the light or bring the lights down on em as if they were the new top of the plant....which it will b....but if ur not "needing" to chop let the top go another week...10days maybe...then chop top n light up lowers


New Member


If you don't want to order a 30x loupe online, try a jewelry supply store & even craft stores have them, I see them there all the time. One of the advantages of being a girl I guess. :weed: I hope my girls turn out as nice as yours!


Active Member
I am using a 125w CFL. This is my first grow, next time i am going to put it into flowering much earlier from what i understand it will be a smaller plant but i will get larger heads and a over all larger yeald.
im impressed! you did that with only a 125w CFL?? your the man lol. now if you grow squat little bushes and get a hid your gonna be flying along. as far as the cut, it doesn't matter really. if it was out doors, you should always cut on a angle so water cant sit there and rot. cortisone cream for cuts works amazing to heal stem wounds to btw.. what was your final harvest in weight? great job agian of that lil light! :hump: