Is it to late in the season to start growing?


I started germinating my seeds on July 19, and the seeds are now in peat-pots, being watered with a 10-15-10 fertilizer every other watering. Will my plants be ready to harvest before it gets to cold out? Or will I have to wait until next spring?


Well-Known Member
oh woah, I thought it said june 19th and he was just worrying over his plants being a bit smaller than he thought and that made him wonder if he had started to late. Yeah bro, thats alot and very early, unless your soil is nute free you normally dont start feeding till week 3 or so and then with just a 1/4 light dose and slowly working up to full dose over time. Even if the soil your using is nute free thats still way to early and too much. Cannabis is very sensitive to nuteburn when little.


Ok. I'll be sure to only use water when I water them then. I can bring them inside when they're still in the peat-pots, but once I plant them I won't be able to bring them inside anymore. Will my plants reach full maturity before I have to harvest them? Or better yet, when is the very latest I should harvest them?


Ok. I'll be sure to only use water when I water them then. I can bring them inside when they're still in the peat-pots, but once I plant them I won't be able to bring them inside anymore. Will my plants reach full maturity before I have to harvest them? Or better yet, when is the very latest I should harvest them?
It all depends on where you live....
i have the same problem what i figured is i have right at 3 months before we hit 12/12 light so they should be fine but maybe small.. look up the light cycle for your area and see when the temps drop and when the light cycle hits 12/12 and see how long u have ..


Well-Known Member
The light cycle hitting 12/12 isnt what matters outside my friends, it will start flowering just from the change in day length as the days get shorter. You might have enough time, but i have to bring my outside plants inside the last approx 6-8 weeks everynight no matter when i start em where im at so your temps are the most important aspect.


Well-Known Member
12/12 is just a convenience used by indoor growers in setting their timers - has no relevance whatever to outdoor growers. My girls start flowering around late July/early August. And they stay out till the trichomes are about 50% amber. No frost here.

And yes, it is getting late to be just starting an outdoor grow. But as you have already germinated your seeds you might as well have a go.