Is it too late? Can she be saved? Overwatered and drowning?


she's a goner huh? if anyone has any ideas.... please offer i'll try anything, but it has to be done like now... look at her :cry:

i have an abusive og plant... been growing close to 8 weeks... and up until this week it was looking great. i had some powder mold issues... used the forum's idea of milk, water & dish soap to cure... sprayed the leaves then wiped them clean... now look. it's almost dead!! this change was only over a 2 day period. i cleaned it tues, wed it started to look droopy, i mistook that for lack of water, watered it... thurs it started looking sad... today it looks like it's gonna be dead in the morning. monday it looked GREAT...

can i save her or is it too late? i put another light in there... it's just a plain old light bulb pointed at the rockwool in hopes to dry it out and there's a fan going too. and i took paper towels and tried to pull as much moisture from the rockwool as possible and i tried squeezing the pot to also try to see if any water came through the slots.

so sad.....i can easily pick up another clone from a dispensary, but i've grown attached to this plant. the leaves were always green... even when it was wilting. and yesterday the new growth and leaves still appeared alive, not like tonight... again.. so sad!


really? cause it went from being all nice and perky to leaves that are completely pointing downward wilted.. the stems are still ok for now... but you think that second photo is ok? it's such a drastic change


did you condition the rockwool prior to planting? try a little bi at half strength. its not burned but it may be in lockout.


i did do a 1/2 assed job conditioning the wool prior to starting. it was growing great until the powder mold appeared, which was very slight.. only one leaf, but i cleaned her based on what i read here and then like i said, think i over watered too by mistaking the wilt for lack of water... cause last night when i saw there was a serious issue starting i noticed the cube was very saturated.

so you think i can save it maybe? i can pick up some b1 tomorrow, but should i chance watering it again so soon or wait for it to dry out first?

thank you all for helping.... first time growing and learning more and more each day thanks to folks like you


maybe mist the leaves to wash off the residue left by the mixture it could be blocking the stomata on the underside of the leaves. in the future, i reccomend 1tbs of baking soda it brings the ph of the leaf surface to 7 and will not allow it to grow. reason i say that is milk should never be an option in any mixture due to its high bacterial content in open air and fluxuation of acidity during bio-degration.


thank you all for your replies....

pretty sure she's dead. rip little buddy.. leaves are getting crumbly now, no longer soft... and i kinda poked around and found a few of the roots look yellowish, bummer. i'm gonna put her outside for the rest of the weekend. i don't expect her to come back.. but i can't toss it in the trash until all the leaves are dead and i'm sure she has passed. funny... i got attached to it.

off to the store to try again.... this was my first one... so i guess it was a learning experience...

Old Goat

Two MAJOR issues here first and most important you're not giving this plant enough LIGHT. It's all stretched out trying to find light and the leafs should have at least seven petals each by now not three.
Second issue ROCKWOOL! I'd never use rockwool for anything but to insulate my attic. Yes some people like it but it holds way too much water to start and too much water makes em stretch and grow algae and molds. Just use soil and a party cup with some holes for drainage.