Is it too late to low stress train


Hey guys my grows going great I just think she's going to grow too tall, she's 28 days old and 17" to the tip of her top bud. I want to just bend the top 90 degrees to loose a couple of inches. Is it to late to do this or do you think she isn't going to get much more vertical growth ? The top Cola has started flowering but the top is still bendy ? Is it too late just to tie the top down ? Thanks guys there's a photo for you to see how far she's gone



Well-Known Member
Bending it and keeping it at 90 is not really low stress, more like super-cropping. That said, if you'll potentially hit the lights and damage/stress her, doing it now is better than that. I've done a couple in flowering when I misjudged the stretch with new strains and never had a problem. Of course it's very difficult to measure whether I lost yield but nothing bad happened like hermie or the like.


Well-Known Member
If you pot up now then it would seem a perfect time to LST. Tie the tall ones down and you'll have a nice canopy in a week or two.. Then pop into flower.


Overall growth I don't want her more than 22" 24" max, she's already in pre flower I read that if you switch the feed to bloom it'll slow down the vertical growth. How ever I measured her today at 17" if she's 18" toMorrow I'll Bend the top down, btw it is an auto flower. I want a more even canopy so my circulation fan it a lot more even preventing bud rot at night or I'll have to invest in another fan if this low stress training is a bad idea at this stage, I would of though four weeks into an autoflower would be too late to start training but it's still pretty bendy at the top. If I can bring the centre cola down to the heights of the side tops I'll be happy and slowing down vertical growth would be great. It's a creamatic, royal queen and suggested to grow 80cm max


Well-Known Member
now is the time to start tieing em down. i just screw screws into side of pot and use that to twist tie to. just one way. i would personally tie down all the tallest branches, not just the main top.
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Well-Known Member
Hey guys my grows going great I just think she's going to grow too tall, she's 28 days old and 17" to the tip of her top bud. I want to just bend the top 90 degrees to loose a couple of inches. Is it to late to do this or do you think she isn't going to get much more vertical growth ? The top Cola has started flowering but the top is still bendy ? Is it too late just to tie the top down ? Thanks guys there's a photo for you to see how far she's gone
its never to late to lst or super crop i go all the way till the end of harvest or well till about 2-3 weeks till the end


Well-Known Member
Perfect time to super crop it. Pinch each stem and mash like a straw and break it. It won't hurt trust me. Look it up. Safe up til a couple weeks in flower.