is it too late to start another batch

Lol yea man I've been watching them like a hawk making sure they get the right amount of everything, I don't know if that is just because I'm new or if everyone does that.

everybody should do it, they are our babies lol. if people dont its because they dont care about getting anything out of it, or are just completely intelligence challenged!


Hey dog wisperer, let me know how your grow goes. Im in minnesota to and im gonna try whippin up a batch before the seasons over too. Good luck to ya man!


Active Member
aren't we all trying to whip up a batch of weed seeds befor the season is over. i just had to kill a male plant on my bday and now i'm just waiting to see what the other big plants are going to do. i think they are females. well i hope. and the 3 lil seedlings that i got going on are doing fine. i just hope the weather will keep being pretty damn good here in oklahoma.
ah dude sorry to hear about the male on your b day. yeah it would Seem we are all trying to pull a late season grow.. hopefully come september maybe into october we will all be posting pics of our successful mini plants