Is it worth $50 to you?

Would you donate $50 to a legalization effort that might actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 232 81.1%
  • No

    Votes: 54 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Well-Known Member
Would legalization be worth $50 to you?
Absolutely it's worth fifty bucks. You know nothing talks like money and I wonder what a hundred million dollar donation to the deficit in the name of stoners would accomplish with our current laws. Anyone of any age knows the marijuana demons are slowly but surely dying off but I sure wouldn't mind a helping hand to quicken the process. I think it would make the opposition stop and think maybe they have the whole picture of stoners wrong, their kids know better.

Have you contacted any farming orginizations, they may be interested in a new cash crop possibility. Businessmen to enlighten them to the amounts of money that could be put into the treasury with tax revenue? Bankers interested in new found profits? Convince business people and it becomes easier to convince the politicians. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Yes it has. Amsterdam would be a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Street dealer prices are down to nothing. They can't even support themselves let alone families. As I stated above, the only ones making the money are the shops and Government. Your only Validation my point.

I've been to Amsterdam more then 15 times in 6 years. I have seen this first hand.

Street dealers all want something for nothing. They want to be a middle man and just buy and sell product. Who gives a fuck if they can't support their lazy ass's, they should get out and get a real fucking job or learn to grow.

Personally I could care less about street dealers. They're the ones that create stereotypes and work for gangs.



Well-Known Member
I did give the guy a chance. I gave many chances to show me he wasn't full of shit.

Show me some proof I asked. Show me some of your so called Senator I asked. Show me your Celebs. I asked...

How about this adman.. What ever the fuck that means. An ad man Makes AD's, He doesn't pay off senators to help with bullshit plans to legalize weed.

I can't stop reading, I can't stop posting. Not untill I disolve this cancer thats poisoning the minds our fellow growers into thinking that Legalization is going to benificial to us.

Believe me, I am all for studying Cannabis for its medical purposed and prescribing it to patients who need it. I thinks it's a wonder drug for cancer, Aids and many many other Awfull sicknesses.

But legalizing it isn't what the majority of us want. Sure it's a great Idea for the average pot smoker. But not the average pot grower.

Hey BCTRIPPIN, I will refrain from calling his plan a scam. All I ask is that some good info about it get posted.

Think about this. During Prohibition the averge man could become a Moonshiner or booze runner to support his family and intern make a boat load of money. After Prohibition, the average man didn't have the Funds to start a liquor store, bar or nightclub, thus not being able to support his family. My point is:
If it's Illegal, at least we have the options to get ahead in life (especially during this shitty ecconomy). We can try to make some money for us and have enough weed that we don't have spend what little money we have on it.
If it were legal, Most of us wouldn't have enough money to be able to open a store and sell Marijuana. And if we did, the government would rape us of almost all our profits.
I'm not gonna go down without a fight. I

Fuck it, I'll start a thread about this shit.

Havent you realized no one gives a fuck what you think?

Great idea.....Go start your own thread to bitch and moan.

You gave him chances? No you didnt, he hasnt even laid out the plan yet...:dunce:

What does he owe to you? What does he have to prove to YOU?

No one is asking you personally to send out a check.... :wall:

He started a poll to see what kind of responses he would get, instead of flaming that its BS why dont you sit back, relax, give the guy a fucking chance and wait to see what his plan is. If he starts PMing you and asking you for money then I think we would all agree that you can start bitching and call it BS. But until that happens chill out, give it a chance.

Maybe it's gonna take 6 months for him to reveal his plan, but honestly, would you rather support some stoner who came up with a plan in 10 minutes and spammed it on the net, Or would you feel more comfortable supporting a guy who is taking his time and carefully laying out his plan before posting it all over the internet.



Well-Known Member
ok, for one, theres not way in hell i would do this with you, no offense.

unless your have your bachelors in political science. and a masters in business with a specialization in economics because if you want to legalize it, it will take many many many man hours to explain how economically it would work. tax wise, mass production wise, and monopoly wise.

but if you were to want to actually do something like this. you could probably do it for under 100 million. but it would definately take at least a couple million, just because, 1) you would need some sponsors, on top of sponsors you would need some famous people who americans like and have them endorse the ideas. (thanks to america's popular culture) 2) you would need to make some commercials, and broadcast them nationwide explaining how marijuana is not dangerous, how it can be good for the american economy, and all the million other cause and effects.


Well-Known Member
honestly in my opinion, the best idea to do right now, with very little amounts of money, probably under $50 to start, is make a real commercials with statistics and good to know information, then post the low budget commercial on youtube. its one of the most widely visited websites.

if you were wanting to do this, i would down to help maybe make a few myself, maybe going to the medicinal marijuana dispensary, talk to a few people, young and old, and talk to them about it and see if they would want to help out with the commercial. you might even be able to talk a couple dispensary owners into making appearances in the commercial....\\\

eventually, when enough people watch them, you might be able to get a couple endorsements by someone famous, like willie nelson, or joe rogan, to appear in one of your commercials, eventually growing the company and getting more and more sponsors eventually leading to commercials nation wide on cable tv.


Well-Known Member
Just an Idea... there has got to be nearly 100,000,000 people out there who would donate $1 us to this cause. I could probably get 2000+ppl to donate $1 to this cause, which lowers your numbers to 50 000 ppl like me who can collect 1 dollar from 2000 ppl they know... If you had stated more legitmate reasons/beliefs as to why you need 100 million dollars to ensure legaliztation(which sounds...lets see...ridiculous). This way of fund raising works great...

BUT In the end I think ur basically full of crap. This is based on the fact that you for some reason are afraid someone will Steal ur Idea of how to legalize MJ.. if YOU ARE REALLY FOR THE CAUSE YOU WOULDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHO GETS IT DONE YOU WOULD JUST BE SATISFIED WITH THE FACT IT IS DONE. plain and simple.. so spill the beans buddy about your "non-profit plan". and tell us the IN's and OUT's of this deal!!!!!!!

BUT if you arnt full of crap I believe that I could raise a good portion these funds by doing a simple door to door pyramid fund raiser!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just an Idea... there has got to be nearly 100,000,000 people out there who would donate $1 us to this cause. I could probably get 2000+ppl to donate $1 to this cause, which lowers your numbers to 50 000 ppl like me who can collect 1 dollar from 2000 ppl they know... If you had stated more legitmate reasons/beliefs as to why you need 100 million dollars to ensure legaliztation(which sounds...lets see...ridiculous). This way of fund raising works great...

BUT In the end I think ur basically full of crap. This is based on the fact that you for some reason are afraid someone will Steal ur Idea of how to legalize MJ.. if YOU ARE REALLY FOR THE CAUSE YOU WOULDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHO GETS IT DONE YOU WOULD JUST BE SATISFIED WITH THE FACT IT IS DONE. plain and simple.. so spill the beans buddy about your "non-profit plan". and tell us the IN's and OUT's of this deal!!!!!!!

BUT if you arnt full of crap I believe that I could raise a good portion these funds by doing a simple door to door pyramid fund raiser!!!!!!!!!!
Im just gonna say this one more time, Read the thread. Hes not asking for 100 million, or even 100 dollars. Hes just trying to get an idea of what kind of support he would get IF he laid out a very real plan that could work.

I got a bit of the details, but the reality is he's not going to reveal the plan to me or anyone else till things get going.

I would recommend anyone to Please Not pass judgment yet, stay tuned and give the guy a chance. No ones asking you for any money or to even do anything. Just dont pass judgement yet and flame the thread as BS.

Im the biggest skeptic here. I wouldnt donate 10c to something that I think is BS or a scam. Im not saying Im gonna donate anything to this cause yet either. But I am very interested in hearing more, and I am going to wait until the final plan is revealed to pass judgment. I really dont understand why anyone else wouldn't do the same unless your just bored and looking for something to get mad at.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Im just gonna say this one more time, Read the thread. Hes not asking for 100 million, or even 100 dollars. Hes just trying to get an idea of what kind of support he would get IF he laid out a very real plan that could work.

I got a bit of the details, but the reality is he's not going to reveal the plan to me or anyone else till things get going.

I would recommend anyone to Please Not pass judgment yet, stay tuned and give the guy a chance. No ones asking you for any money or to even do anything. Just dont pass judgement yet and flame the thread as BS.

Im the biggest skeptic here. I wouldnt donate 10c to something that I think is BS or a scam. Im not saying Im gonna donate anything to this cause yet either. But I am very interested in hearing more, and I am going to wait until the final plan is revealed to pass judgment. I really dont understand why anyone else wouldn't do the same unless your just bored and looking for something to get mad at.:leaf:

Hey BC,
It sucks that our computer doesn't have the cents sign on it. Right? I'm done whining about this thing anyway. Who really even cares. He could be legit, Don't mind me.

It's this guy we have down here on TV, Dateline 2020, he does these undercover investagations to catch scammers on the internet and also to catch child predators. He has me thinking eveyones trying to scam me. No offence.


Well-Known Member
Probably be best to start a website for such a cause
People would take you more serious too if you have the game plan up and proposal laid out.


Well-Known Member
Probably be best to start a website for such a cause
People would take you more serious too if you have the game plan up and proposal laid out.

Once things get going there will be a website. What he told me is he's just meeting with people and putting things in motion. This poll was just to get an idea of how much support it could get.

He is working all the details out for the gameplan, thats why he isn't posting half ass ideas on the internet.

This is the only reason Im so interested in this idea. Hes not just posting it on the net with some plan and not doing anything about it. Infact hes doing just the opposite. Hes going out and doing something about it Then posting it online. He's actually taking it seriously and not telling anyone till the full plan can be laid out properly, With a website, and the support it will need to get people like you or me interested.

It might be a month or a few months, but I would rather wait a few months to hear an idea that might actually do something then continuing to support the same old crap that hasn't been working.



Active Member
personally i love the idea and i cant wait to see if everything works out. let me know what i can do in my area to help out in anyway. i could definitely pass out loads of flyers and things like that when the time finally comes to let people know whats up.


Well-Known Member
Hes not just posting it on the net with some plan and not doing anything about it. Infact hes doing just the opposite. Hes going out and doing something about it

Maybe his is, maybe he isn't. We may never know...
He could be sitting back laughing right now though.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Personaly, Im for decrimalization of smaller amounts. Like an ounce or under. But to be honest with you all, I wouldn't want it be legal and taxed. I
don't pay a rediculously high electric bill everymonth, just so that the government could take 40% of my profits.


Well-Known Member
So you wouldn't go outdoor/greenhouse if legal? Kinda skip the whole huge electric bill thing.

I'm sick of criminals complaining they won't make as much money. Suck it up and get a real job. Or live better within your means.

If you are of the character whereby you are scared of legality for selfish reasons, you need to wash behind your ears and grow up.


Well-Known Member
So you wouldn't go outdoor/greenhouse if legal? Kinda skip the whole huge electric bill thing.

I'm sick of criminals complaining they won't make as much money. Suck it up and get a real job. Or live better within your means.

If you are of the character whereby you are scared of legality for selfish reasons, you need to wash behind your ears and grow up.
I would do the whole outside greenhouse thing if it were legal. Sure I would.

I have a wonderful, good paying job. Infact, I survive just fine with it. I work to get insurance, to show income. Its a great job. Union job. I have a skill, and a well paying trade..

Hold on, just drying behind my freshly washed ears.

Why would anyone want to live within their there means? Thats just fucking lazy man. This is America, land of opportunity. Don't you always want more? More money? Better schools for our kids? Better cars for our wives?
Don't they deserve it?

I would hate for my family to just have live like the rest of thier lives as middle class, or even worse low class...

I have said a million times before. If it's for medical reasons I'm all for it being prescribed legally to patents. I just don't think everyone should be able to obtain it legally.

This is forum for growing marjuana, sure there are some med growers here, I support them with it hands down...

As far as your criminal comments, Fuck you dude, I will do whats nesessary to give the ones I care about a better life then I had. I don't give a fuck what you think it's all about. I'm not doing this all for me. Sellfish couln't have been a worse way to explain it.

I'm sellfish, taking all the risk and reaping nearly none of the benifits. There you go buddy.

Maybe you should grow the fuck up and see how life really works.. Before you end up living in a fucking trailer with your mom and dad and 4 brothers, sharing one car and eating ring O noddle soup all day.

Have fun being broke....................................................


Well-Known Member
I would do the whole outside greenhouse thing if it were legal. Sure I would.

I have a wonderful, good paying job. Infact, I survive just fine with it. I work to get insurance, to show income. Its a great job. Union job. I have a skill, and a well paying trade..

Hold on, just drying behind my freshly washed ears.

Why would anyone want to live within their there means? Thats just fucking lazy man. This is America, land of opportunity. Don't you always want more? More money? Better schools for our kids? Better cars for our wives?
Don't they deserve it?

I would hate for my family to just have live like the rest of thier lives as middle class, or even worse low class...

I have said a million times before. If it's for medical reasons I'm all for it being prescribed legally to patents. I just don't think everyone should be able to obtain it legally.

This is forum for growing marjuana, sure there are some med growers here, I support them with it hands down...

As far as your criminal comments, Fuck you dude, I will do whats nesessary to give the ones I care about a better life then I had. I don't give a fuck what you think it's all about. I'm not doing this all for me. Sellfish couln't have been a worse way to explain it.

I'm sellfish, taking all the risk and reaping nearly none of the benifits. There you go buddy.

Maybe you should grow the fuck up and see how life really works.. Before you end up living in a fucking trailer with your mom and dad and 4 brothers, sharing one car and eating ring O noddle soup all day.

Have fun being broke....................................................
LOL @ all that

theres a difference between living within your means and being broke. Living within your means is taking the money you make and putting it to the best effort without over spending

and if you sell weed you ARE A CRIMINAL, I dont give a fuck if you do it for a good reason
shit I sold weed to put myself through college but I was still a criminal.
What you need to do is either get a better job because if you have to sell weed obviously your job aint that great. or grow the fuck up and realize life isn't about trying to have the best of everything

Your ignorant mentality one of the reasons it still isn't legal