Is kerosene heater safe with hydroponics? ++++rep


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt it be? as long as the heater itself is safe than i cant imagine it would effect any type of grow.

not really sure what the question is regarding you should put a little more info in as to what heater, what your doing with the heater...why you think it wouldnt be safe....

Is kerosine heater safe with an ebb and flow system?
this is not enough infor for anyone to help your efficiently and correctly.


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt it be? as long as the heater itself is safe than i cant imagine it would effect any type of grow.

not really sure what the question is regarding you should put a little more info in as to what heater, what your doing with the heater...why you think it wouldnt be safe....

this is not enough infor for anyone to help your efficiently and correctly.
Would kerosine or carbon monoxide get in the water through air pump and hurt the girls?


Well-Known Member
i dont think so man f anything it will emit CO2 and help them... but if the heater is safe to use indoors then im sure it should be fine around your plants. if your that concerned get a natural gas or propane heater.
are you talking about a furnace that uses Kerosine ? or a "bullet" style Keorisine heater?


Well-Known Member
i dont think so man f anything it will emit CO2 and help them... but if the heater is safe to use indoors then im sure it should be fine around your plants. if your that concerned get a natural gas or propane heater.
are you talking about a furnace that uses Kerosine ? or a "bullet" style Keorisine heater?
It's a kerosine heater and it has like a cage around it.


Well-Known Member
furnaces have exaust that exaust any by products from burning the keorisine, the bullet styke heaters like this one,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.dmQ&ion=1&biw=1680&bih=872&wrapid=tlif135861414521610&sa=X&ei=fM76ULqQLO_v0QG32IGYBQ&ved=0CHUQ8wIwAg

will emit CO and CO2 and i would be more concerned for your own health and safety than your plants.

CO and CO2 are both deadly. CO is more toxic but both of them will replace the O2 in the atmosphere and suffocate you, they are both non visible and have no smell. be cautios burning fuels in your home without proper ventialtion.

if you need a portable heater i would suggest maybe a sealed oil heater like this one;jsessionid=B11288977D3437A8EEA6C40733C8716C.instance02?cagpspn=pla&cmpid=Google-G_US_Meijer_eCom_PLA_Home_Improvement&kpid=NY15EC-7

or if electricity is a issue a propane heater like this one tank heater&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ACEW_enUS500US501&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.dmQ&ion=1&biw=1680&bih=872&wrapid=tlif135861433057910&sa=X&ei=Mc_6ULifGKWC0QHpl4CgBg&ved=0CHAQ8wIwAA

propane is a much cleaner gas to burn inside but you should still be cautios

heres a link to read

like i said above if its just a normal furnace they are designed to blow the harmfull gas outside, if its something else i wouldnt concern yourself with the safety of your plants as much i would be concerned about you and your family's safety. going to sleep one night and your entire family never wakes up because of excess CO is never a good thing and it happens to people all the time. be safe man


Well-Known Member
+rep. I hope to hear from people who use them. Thank you mate
dont need to use them to be educated on the dangers the can have on PEOPLE...fuck the plants man your putting people in your home at risk if your not using them properly. i dont really understand what more information you need to get it through your head that its not the fucking plants you need to be worried about.

but good luck finding someone else that "uses" them as most people with 1/2 a brain probabally dont use them in thier home.

now if your heating a shed outside or something then the above comments dont pertain to you. if this is the case then your plants will be fine. Co2 and CO are gasses and they wont effect your plants rezivoir. the CO2 will aid in plant growth.

anyways, im not trying to be a dick but if your using this think in your house then you potentially putting peoples lives at risk to keep some plants warm and if thats the case you my friend belong in jail. if its not the case then my comments dont pertain to you like i stated above and shouldnt be offensive. if they do then im glad your offended as i dont really care


Well-Known Member
dont need to use them to be educated on the dangers the can have on PEOPLE...fuck the plants man your putting people in your home at risk if your not using them properly. i dont really understand what more information you need to get it through your head that its not the fucking plants you need to be worried about.

but good luck finding someone else that "uses" them as most people with 1/2 a brain probabally dont use them in thier home.

now if your heating a shed outside or something then the above comments dont pertain to you. if this is the case then your plants will be fine. Co2 and CO are gasses and they wont effect your plants rezivoir. the CO2 will aid in plant growth.

anyways, im not trying to be a dick but if your using this think in your house then you potentially putting peoples lives at risk to keep some plants warm and if thats the case you my friend belong in jail. if its not the case then my comments dont pertain to you like i stated above and shouldnt be offensive. if they do then im glad your offended as i dont really care
I don't use one. My roommate had one running. I was just wondering if the fumes or carbon monoxide would get in reservoir and hurt my plants. The reason for the question is because I do not know anything about them and I never use them.


New Member
Hmm not really sure what the query is regarding you should put a little more details in as to what heating unit, what your doing with the heating unit...why you think it would not be secure....