Is making cocaine easy?


Ursus marijanus
Pushin' snort is one thing, but makin' snort is a whole 'nother monster in and of itself. If you do decide to try and make it though, do yourself a favor and look up the word hypergolic on ignore the part about the rocket fuel). You will want to be very familiar with this word.:fire:
I am familiar with the term, and it does not apply here. cn


Active Member
dude its fuking easy to extract cocaine, a fair amt. of processing goes into it, but you need tons of leaves (thousands of lbs) to even get a few kilos.

1lbs? youll be lucky to get a gram.
yeah dude im not really going for quantity, more like quality, and the satisfaction that I made it. it'd be dope imo


Well-Known Member
all my hobbies give me the possibility of going to jail. paying 300 for a gram? lol never in my life im not fucking retarted. I have my own connect if i want some, itd just be cool to make my own. seems like a vey extensive process though. the chemicals would probably cost a pretty penny.
The chemicals that cost a pretty penny are the reason he said you will end up paying $300 per gram.


Active Member
lol i watched that it was of barely any help. just gave me a general idea. i need step by step procees bu ive kinda givin up the idea. would rather chew on em or make coca tea then process


Well-Known Member
First the leaves have probably been extracted. Second a pound isn't even enough to get an eight ball. So not worth it.


Active Member
You'd have an easier time making some shake-n-bake meth, than you would with turning those leaves into cocaine. I'd say if you're going to do anything, make a tea or something. Soak them in a solution of everclear for awhile. The alkaloids are soluble in grain alcohol if I remember my shit. Then again, I've smoked way too much pot to remember chem class back in '99. Lol.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
You'd have an easier time making some shake-n-bake meth, than you would with turning those leaves into cocaine. I'd say if you're going to do anything, make a tea or something. Soak them in a solution of everclear for awhile. The alkaloids are soluble in grain alcohol if I remember my shit. Then again, I've smoked way too much pot to remember chem class back in '99. Lol.
What strain is your profile picture? Looks yummy


Active Member
Auto Bomb from Buddha Seeds. It's going to be part of my cab grow after my outdoor harvest. It does look yummy too. I can't wait to smoke that shit!


Active Member
You'd have an easier time making some shake-n-bake meth, than you would with turning those leaves into cocaine. I'd say if you're going to do anything, make a tea or something. Soak them in a solution of everclear for awhile. The alkaloids are soluble in grain alcohol if I remember my shit. Then again, I've smoked way too much pot to remember chem class back in '99. Lol.

yeah dude I've already said I pretty much give up on the idea of making it, if I do get it tea will be my option or chewing them.
Look making cocaine is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I had a nieghbor who used to make cocaine, he ordered 50lb of Coca leaves and got a nice half oz of uncut coke out of it.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago, there was a health food store near where I lived. I enountered within, boxes of "decoainated coca leaves". I bought a box (about 6 oz) and followed the directions - make tea with about an ounce and sip. Hell, the stuff tasted very good with a bit of honey... but, I shortly discovered that.... it wasn't decocainated at all. Hell, the box cost what? three bucks? and a two oz brew was just the trick for an after work pick-me up. Of course after about 8 months of this, one day there were no boxes of this stuff to be found. The owner told me what I had already discovered and his supplier sort of dissapeared.

The tea is a delight - and the flavor is very pleasant.