Is marijuana kosher for Passover?


Well-Known Member
Okay, only a couple of weeks left before Bedikat Hametz and I'm wondering if non-medical pot is okay to keep around and use.


New Member
Definitive answer brought to you by Crackerjax

Pro-marijuana party tells supporters: Pot smoking forbidden on Passover
By The Associated Press

In bad news for its religious Jewish supporters, an Israeli pro-marijuana party announced Tuesday that smoking pot is forbidden on Passover.

Cannabis is among the substances Jews are forbidden to consume during the week-long festival, which begins Monday, said Michelle Levine, a spokeswoman for the Green Leaf party.

Biblical laws prohibit eating leavened foods during Passover, replacing bread with flat crackers called matza. Later injunctions by European rabbis extended those rules to forbid other foods like beans and corn, and more recent rulings have further expanded the ban to include hemp seeds, which today are found in some health oils - and in marijuana.

Green Leaf is a small political party that supports the legalization of marijuana. Although it is by no means a Jewish religious authority, the group decided to warn its observant supporters away from the drug on Passover.

"You shouldn't smoke marijuana on the holiday, and if you have it in your house you should get rid of it," Levine said.

But not everyone needs to give up their habit for the duration of the festival. The rabbinic injunctions banning hemp were never adopted by Sephardic Jews, who come from countries in the Middle East and North Africa. That means there is no reason they can't keep smoking marijuana, Levine said, except that it remains illegal, despite her party's best efforts.

Green Leaf contested the last three national elections but never won a seat, despite gaining popularity as a protest vote. According to Levine, the party has a large number of religious supporters.

out. :blsmoke:



New Member
All of the BS got started because hundreds of years ago, it was considered not Kosher (:lol:) for christians to be involved with Usery (banks), and it was about the only thing jews could make a decent living at since most Christians were entirely intolerant of them for employment elsewhere. So then they actually did well at it and the VERY SAME "Christians" turn it around as a negative stereotype!!! Talk about being truly shameless.

Read a book sometime before you post.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
+rep to t@intshredder, Zeus and CrackerJax for actual informative answers and fuck you to Realclosetgreenz for an ignorant, racist remark. If I was elite, I'd nerp you too.

For those that even care, although I was raised Jewish, I am pretty much an atheist, but I was trying to help out a few friends of mine that were discussing this last night. The subject of kitniyot was brought up, but that 'rule' came about because those grains could have potentially come into contact with hametz, so it was sort of like a buffer.
My argument, is that if I am the grower, I know the orgin of the herb, so the kitniyot rule shouldn't apply. Also, from the articles you all have posted, it seems like depending on one's individual level of observance, that dried, cured bud without seeds, shouldn't be considered kitniyot.


New Member
Well, I have never given a neg rep as an elite, so I won't start now. No need to further sideswipe him, I'm sure it was fat... :clap:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
One of the best things that I like about Jews is ...they don't care if I am Jewish or not. they are not trying to convince everyone that their way is the right's just right for them. :clap: Now that is true spiritual maturity.... well done.

So MindPhuk, you have an escape clause for Passover... hahah you dog you!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
One of the best things that I like about Jews is ...they don't care if I am Jewish or not. they are not trying to convince everyone that their way is the right's just right for them. :clap: Now that is true spiritual maturity.... well done.

So MindPhuk, you have an escape clause for Passover... hahah you dog you!!

out. :blsmoke:
BTW, I like your new avatar


New Member
Hey thanks... It's a Frank Frazetta creation although I cleaned it up a bit. I've always been a big fan of his amazing art! :peace:

out. :blsmoke: