Is legit?

The Wise Man

Well-Known Member
I have bought from these guys three times now and can only echo what is already on here - great prices, 90%+ germ rate even on the freebies. Just finished veging a batch of White Widow Max from them and it is looking super sweet! I can't wait i am so excited!!!!!


Ya Dnizzle keep us posted! Im waiting on your response before I go ahead and buy from them!
My seeds just arrived today.. super stealth! Super Fast, All the seeds look of normal size the freebies are slightly small but still look healthy Ordered 11/26 Arrived 12/3


has anyone ordered from using bank transfer? i tried to but they wont email me their bank transfer details like it says they should on their site??..all i get is an annoying automated response reffering me back to their site.... anyone know what im doin wrong?

the hemp depo is fast shippin ,and good seeds, to low prices, couldent ask for better, ordered many times!
ordered 5 business days ago to a place far away (aus) placed my order checked my mail in 5 days, 3 working days delivered 10/10 for stealth 10/10 for speed PRICES DO NOT MATTER AS LONG AS YOU RECEIVE YOUR SEEDS. With this said they also are fairly cheap.

definatly recomend 10/10


Well-Known Member
Ok here go's.
I found that seed bank before I found this website. Man I have had wonderful luck with them...In the past.
I have talked about these guys with a positive light and tone in my voice.
My problem is customer service. I own two retail stores and two trucking company's. No matter how good your product is, If your customer service is shitty you will fail.
I recently purchased about 1G worth of beans. My biggest order to date. I have ordered from them like 5 times in the past 3yrs.( I really didn't think there would be a problem )
I got Mazar, White widow max, AK47, Cheese, Bubblegum, all of these strains were fems.
I got Strawberry Cough, and Afghan, these were regular beans.

Now I may not be the greatest grower on the 3rd Rock but I have NEVER had any complaints about my meds. That said.
There was a germination fiasco. I tried to pop all of the seeds. Using tried and true methods.
Out of these 70 seeds these are the results.
Mazar-not a single seed popped.
WWM- 8 popped, 8 standing
AK47- not a single seed popped
Cheese- 2 popped both died.
Bubblegum-6 popped 5 standing
Strawberry Cough- 9 popped 7 standing
Afghani- not a single seed popped

I don't know what the problem was with these beans.
I do know that I can take my own strains and get 9/10 every time.
I thought maybe it was me, so I used the same methods and popped 38 out of 40 of my own beans. ( it isn't me )
I have contacted the website via email, with no response. ( several time's I have tried over the last week with no response ):finger:
I am sure they are avoiding me so they don't have to pay up and that is bad karma.
I have tried the nice way.:wall:
Now I am talking to some employee's that are good with computers to see about some ( Black work )
It's not the money, it's the principal.
I know this is a buyer beware kind of industry. You would think they would atleast email me to say ( not my problem )
So I guess if they don't want to be up front and honest, that is there choice.

Up until this point they have been very good.
Now not so good. :!:
Guess we will have to give them a wakeup.:wink:

So as with everything. Be careful, make wise decision's and be prepared for the worst.:fire:
My .002


Well-Known Member
I would like to update the above post.
After some energetic email's ( I sent to them ) I received an email from them that stated.
They were flabbergasted about this because these were all different breeders ( under question they would not state who the breeders were. ).
If I wanted to purchase 350pounds worth of beans they would replace the beans in question.
Needless to say, I did and they did. In two separate shipments, after I called and reminded them about the replacement beans. Seems they forgot to send them. WOW.
Haven't popped them so I don't know. But I wanted everyone to know what has happened with them.


Active Member
I recently ordered like 75 beans from this company, with verry shitty results, to start with, they "forgot" to include 10 THC snow seeds I paid for in the order.
Then the seeds..I always crack em in a wet warm,paper coffee filter (in case I wait too long and the root starts getting hairs, it won't attach itself to the filter as it will a reg paper towel) I tried 20 seeds to start, 10 big bud 8 bubblegum and 2 ice..the bubbles like the last ones (from nirvana) were cracked open, with tails within 18-20 hrs..some of them never cracked and aft5er 7 days I just planted them..out of the 20 I now have 3 seedlings, a couple got burnt from my soil being too hot, and growth was just deformed, so I pulled them. My first BIG issue with them is I ordered 2 diff "seed packages" that have 3 strains @ 10 beans each.The prices were marked in USD, and when I checked out my total was around 150 day on my CC statement, it was over 250! So I wrote them an email, told them about my invoice even saying the total was under 150..his only comment was that is in GBP!
You know how nirvana gives you a currency converter, you choose your country, etc, it gives you the right their site is a bit antiquated, needs some updating.
Then I wrote with my difficulty with these seeds germing..they asked for specifics, I gave them the specifics, and they also said they had already shipped the 10 seeds in my ordder they forgot to send (havent got them yet)
To my question on where they get their seeds...their reply was "from the best seed breeders in Holland" which we cannot name b/c we sell their seeds for less than they do (scratches head*)found that to be a rather blow off of a reply..and IF they are selling/getting them for that cheap, maybe it's because they somehow didn't pass the "big name breeders" quality tests/or passed the shelf life..The big bud I planted 3 to a cup..and when only 1 (or none) came up I went through my perlite/seedling mix only to find seed they were sterile or empty seeds.
I sent them pics even..and was told they will replace the seeds that didn't germinate.Still haven't even got the ones I paid for that they missed in my order, the orig order only took about 10 days to get to the NW USA.
Of course their website says they don't condone TRYING to germinate as it is an illegal activity, I read earlier on a forum of a guy who reversed his CC order when they didnt ship his order, and they actually tried using blackmail to get him to release the funds back to them (ie:we will report you, your name, address, info, IP address, authorities!)just sounded pretty bad, being they are selling something that is also illegal (yea right, except for a souvenir, haha)
I love their email addy are not even close, their address is London, England.
Sometimes when a deal sounds too good to be is.
On a positive, they DID send me the freebies they advertise (the site says 5 free seeds with every order) but instead they sent me 3 feminized NYC-diesel seeds, which their reply to that was that since my order was over 200, the upgraded me to feminized seeds. That would have been nice to have them ask first, some people won't mess with feminized seeds, like my local disp wont buy the plants OR clones from fem seeds (too high a risk of hermies??)
I liked my experience overall with Nirvana better so far, they also replaced ungermed seeds (though they did say they offer no guarantee) made it sound like ok, we will do it just this one time..but if u ever read the comments under strains, 1 person says they didn't germ, they tell u to report it to help desk to get them replaced.So obviously they stand by their products, which is a huge plus when paying this kind of money for beans!
I see now this is an old thread, lol..but already wrote it, so tough lol.


Active Member
I just ordered from them today... So we'll see what happens.. got the 5/5/5 deal of White Widdow / Crystal / Ice Plus there is supposed to be some free seeds included.. So i'll keep everyone posted. Order came to like 98 Bucks..
I got this "medical" pack too, as well as 2 others and thc snow, out of 75 seeds, 40 attempted germinating, I get about 1/10 on their seeds, they are old, many seeds never did more than split in the paper towel and nothing inside!
When I wrote them and said the only ones worth a damn were the thc snow, they said "on my next order they'd throw some extras of them in"..I said with 30 shit seeds and that as your final answer you just lost 1 fool as a client!
I spent over 250 (which read as under 150 on my "invoice", and what I THOUGHT I was spending)
The thc snow took off fast and furious, half have rust fungus now though...very disappointing, will go back to Nirvana, for sure, or with soma.
Took 10 days to get order and they "forgot" to put the thc snow seeds I ordered in..then acted like I was lying when I said they weren't in with all other strains.
What a waste of 40 something seeds, many were empty shells, when they cracked and it was obvious they wouldnt germ, I flicked my nail between the 2 halfs expecting something inside...on at least 28 there was NOTHING!
There customer service tries to be polite, but they do not stand by their product, and after I read a guy cancelled payment b/c he didn't get his seeds, they actually threatened to "turn all of his info" into authorities I would steer clear of this co..they couldn't even answer where they got their seeds or how they were stored, age at rotation, etc.They said "the very best of Hollands seeds breeders", and so I asked, do you get their old stock at an extreme discount?
He wasn't very nice!


To find a site is legit or not, you can do some methods. You can check whois lookup for a domain name. Visit the site here you can check whois information for domain name. If the information is public and looks legit,you can note the email id, contact number of the domain name owner or administrative or technical department or else sale department. It will help you to contact them if you have any problem after using their services or buying their products. Then you can visit the site check whether the site is trusted or not. If the result will "High Trust Rating. This Site Looks Safe To use." It is good site. Then you can visit here you can read users or customers reviews, ratings and feed backs about the site and their services. If they said good, you can start using the site.


Well-Known Member
To find a site is legit or not, you can do some methods. You can check whois lookup for a domain name. Visit the site here you can check whois information for domain name. If the information is public and looks legit,you can note the email id, contact number of the domain name owner or administrative or technical department or else sale department. It will help you to contact them if you have any problem after using their services or buying their products. Then you can visit the site check whether the site is trusted or not. If the result will "High Trust Rating. This Site Looks Safe To use." It is good site. Then you can visit here you can read users or customers reviews, ratings and feed backs about the site and their services. If they said good, you can start using the site.
Mega necro


New Member
I really like this site, here's a photo of some of their norther lights...just took these pics a few days ago, and they're going into flowering right now.

From what I know about norther lights, and the way these are growing, seems to be pretty consistant with the known traits of the strain.

I purchased their nl seeds when they were on sale this summer. Their shipping is five bucks, and its the same shipping that WWMS charges 15 dollars for, (btw, wwms guilt trips you into taking the registered shit, hence spending 3x as much)

I love the product line that offers. Its very simple, you don't have ten different breeders selling the same strain names, under the same website, and you simply can't beat their prices, my order from them I got 10 NLs, 10 WW, and the 5 freebies, with shipping was $74.90.

I only grew one of the white widows, just to see if I get lucky and get a girl, showww enuf, got my lady, she's sick however, so I have more expectation on the cutting that I'll mother.

Germed 5 nl's and one failed to crack the shell and take of the 4, I got two females, plus the ww female, that's pretty good ratio's eh? 50/50 counting the dud.

Btw, this Northern light is SOOOO fucking healthy, sucks up the nutes w no problems, fast grower, beautiful foilage... I took two cuttings and hope the bud is just as good as everything else has been, should be a good pheno.

Dude those plants are fucking gorgeous! Nice!! Been thinking about getting some Durban poison from them


New Member I ran across this site. It has a lot of the strains i was looking for but I've never heard anyone talk about them... Just wanted to know if they are a rip off.... Thanks

yeh as far as im concerned they are F----D up
they sent me a Christmas CD i am sending the information to our district attorney and let him handle the scammers i sent them the same letter if they make good ill rescind this statement
until then STAY AWAY


Well-Known Member
yeh as far as im concerned they are F----D up
they sent me a Christmas CD i am sending the information to our district attorney and let him handle the scammers i sent them the same letter if they make good ill rescind this statement
until then STAY AWAY
Do not throw away the cd!

Disassemble the case (carefully). By this I mean to take off the black piece of plastic that the cd clips into. I guarantee your seeds will be between the layers of plastic, tucked close to the hinge so they won't be squished.

Man, I sure hope you see this post.

-edited to say that I ordered from them last year an this is how mine arrived. I think I got a 'One Direction' cd, haha.

-Also, their genetics are questionable, to say the least. All the autoflowers I grew out (3 kinds) were sub par. However, the Mountain Mist reg freebies and Black Domino freebie fems were huge surprises, and really quality smoke. (why can't they just call it Domina??)


New Member
Ok I will resind last review
if they sent you an email or something in the package!
I almost threw the cd away til I put up the post
Since they do not respond to emails
I will give them 3 stars
But still a little iffy about them
I might buy from them again after I see if their seed a good
Good luck
They sent the original package in from New York and it got caught in customs. They resent a tie today in from Cali after I emailed them I didn't get anything. There was a letter in it that stated US Dept of Agriculture quarantine. There was a reference number on it and that the material was destroyed. The tie still came through somehow?!?!?!?!