Is meth high simular to sativa high?


Well-Known Member
Nothing like that organic belladonna. Seriously this organic/natural only shit is retarded. There are so many terrible substances that are totally natural, and many synthetic substances that do wonders for humanity. Nature is not kind and loving. Nature can be vicious, look at hurricanes and tornados and earthquakes and snake venoms and plant toxins and on and on.
I would love to know how any of that is inherently good or anything man made is inherently bad?


Active Member
Speaking as someone who used meth for a long time in his stupid stupid past, meth is nothing like the most excelent satty ever grown. No body high on meth at all, and the head high cannot even be compared. Even without that though you dont become addicted to satties, and they will not destroy your teeth, your looks, your mind etc. I was lucky considering how much tweak i used to use that I was not perminatly damaged by it. Now for me its weed and nothing else. Out of my graduating class of 75, I know at least 40 of them have either died, been sent to jail multiple times, or have been commited due to the brain damage they have done to themselves over meth. I am glad you dont have a easy connection for it, as I have found the 1st time either addicts you or makes you want to try just one more time, but the second time your in for a long time of no money, no focus and alot of misery. Just my two cents.



Well-Known Member
meth is for scum-bags.

having said that ive also tried it once. (like everything)

i decided immediately that the only people who could enjoy this must be...

you guessed it...

scum bags.


I've tried it twice. Not anything like smoking a sativa. I wouldn't say scumbags but higher class people tend to go for a less jittery high and no paranoia feel that you get with Coke. It pumps your heart up, you get shit done, you sober up, and you think any second some team is going to bust through the window. There isn't really any smell to the smoke. It's very addictive and not a great thing to get started. I watched people I cared for fall into that hole, lose connections with their own dads, steal from their own grandma to get their fix. I'm one of those people that believes you can't knock other people for something you haven't done, so if you're friends do something and it seems safe enough, might as well try it. Rolled, and fryed, and the one I'm not so proud about is the "glass" not that I think the other 2 are any good for you but I'm not regretting those decisions. I've decided that I'm at the age that I don't bounce back from things as fast anymore, I like growing. It's a hobby that doesn't just suck money(although there is an initial investment) and it gives you something (IMHO falsely valued) back in return. ....My grass is greener.


Well-Known Member
meth is for scum-bags.

having said that ive also tried it once. (like everything)

i decided immediately that the only people who could enjoy this must be...

you guessed it...

scum bags.

i will say this to you now so you dont suffer the a verbal beatdown from people that are smarter that are smarter than you, although most of us agree, some others do not, and choose to do hard drugs. i use to come and try to make people understand why you dont do drugs but this is more a personal discovery. more often than not people give advice on here of the best ways (if there is a best way lol) to do hard drugs if you are going to go about doing with this said try to be more respectful.

just because a person smokes crack this does not make them a bad person, just a crakchead. so all im saying is this if you cant be respectful of peoples life choices avoid this section at costs because if you are anything like me you just want to see people in control not being controlled, and end up fighting with yourr emotion making illogical statements and looking like a fool.

saying this form exp.


Active Member
Oh, yeah, I'm referring to the effects of pure methamphetamine hydrochloride, not street meth. Anything that's contaminated is going to be bad, period. Pure meth is a lot easier on your body, but this also means you can get stupid with it without suffering such intense anxiety that you have to back off, like with Adderall, or especially caffeine.


Active Member
i will say this to you now so you dont suffer the a verbal beatdown from people that are smarter that are smarter than you, although most of us agree, some others do not, and choose to do hard drugs. i use to come and try to make people understand why you dont do drugs but this is more a personal discovery. more often than not people give advice on here of the best ways (if there is a best way lol) to do hard drugs if you are going to go about doing with this said try to be more respectful.

just because a person smokes crack this does not make them a bad person, just a crakchead. so all im saying is this if you cant be respectful of peoples life choices avoid this section at costs because if you are anything like me you just want to see people in control not being controlled, and end up fighting with yourr emotion making illogical statements and looking like a fool.

saying this form exp.

Wish I could like more then 1 time, +1 rep instead for speaking the truth!

Snoochie Boochies


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on your teeth bro. They can go downhill alarmingly quick when smoking that stuff.

Meth and teeth:

It is true that methheads tend to lose their teeth, what is not true is that meth directly affects them "leaches the calcium" or any such thing.

Teeth tend to like a constant flow of saliva over them, it washes away bacteria, inhibits the growth of bacteria and especialy helps the gingival lines. When someone goes on repeated meth excursions they tend not to brush their teeth, they tend not to sleep and so have no indicator as to when to do so. They lose their teeth from perio disease, caries and neglect.

I know of no way to curb this effect other than try to wash your mouth as often as you can, brush multiple times a day and better yet, don't use the stuff, there is really very little good that can be said about it. I have indulged in many substances and was only caught by two, meth was one - I had to do rehab, and cigarettes were the other.

I don't see any similarity between sativa and amphetamines.


Well-Known Member
Not at all in my experience. Smoking a full sativa will make me feel energetic and motivated. I've only done very small doses (<25mg) of meth and it makes me NEED to do things. I enjoy a sativa high, amps are for I need to get a bunch of work done.

That works - the getting things done - for a while, and then it stops, all one does is imagine they are getting work done. I could always tell what stage a meth "addict" was in by the state of his house. Early on you could look under the sinks and they would be spotless. Later, when the synapsis are firing too rapidly to formulate a plan and stick to it to the conclusion everything is in a chaotic state and bugs tend to take up residence en mass. I was known to have simply sat in front of my TV (which wasn't working so I could only listen) and shuck peanuts for 48 hours. Lots of work done there. All of my considerable tool collection (at the time) had nice hand applied foam grips and my knives were all sharp. But if you ask me if I did anything of consequence during my two years on the down side I'd have to say no.


Well-Known Member
Meth. What's the cut before you go firing it. Every mother steps on it when they middleman it. What's the cut? Glad I survived those stupid days, enjoyable as they were. My advice: stick to organics.

Although sticking to "organics" may generaly be good advice, it tends to indicate that one is "safe" if they do so and that is far from the truth. "organics brings you such gifts as opium and opium in my opinion can be far worse than any non-organic, non-natural thing.

I know this is a pot forum and I know what I say here will not be well received but I have a story. I recently spent some time in Humbolt fishing for salmon and hanging out with a group of humbolt growers. Now the growers themselves were fine and I even saw some restraint but those that congregated around them were smoking gigantic amounts of some of the most primo smoke in the world - During the week I was there, those hanger's on did nothing for themselves. Campgrounds have to be maintained to a certain level of cleanliness (bears, racoons, rats, ants, bees). They did nothing and when I asked some of the older guys, the growers, not to step in just so I could see what their level of tolerance was we were all shocked to see how bad things quickly got. When I did not feed them all, (fresh king salmon, dungeness crab, tuna) they resorted to the costco sized cartons of twinkies and cheetos one of the members with any foresight at all brought along. Organics or natural or not, it was a sad exhibition.

Moderation in everything, including abstainence.


Well-Known Member
I hope so...unless adderall is made from brake fluid and sudafed, and ammonia, and god only knows what else...
One more thing (and I hope you don't think I am picking on you, I am simply talking over your shoulder). What something is made of is no indicator of the quality of the finished product. Every other year I make myself and my friends a hundred or so pounds of wonderful black (well, they are green actually) olives. I use lye in the process of curing those "organic and natural" fruits. In short I feed drain cleaner to my friends.


Well-Known Member
has more to do with pH values and poor manufacturing practices
"The distinctive features of dental caries in chronic methamphetamine users are known as &#8220;meth mouth&#8221;. A photo (enamel erosion) was included at the end of this paper to demonstrate a typical &#8220;meth mouth&#8221;. &#8220;Meth mouth&#8221; is probably caused by a combination of factors which resulted from the psychological and physiological changes as a result of the use of the drug. These factors include hyposalivation, poor oral hygiene, consumption of soft drinks high in carbohydrates, and bruxism. Some also speculated about the acidic nature of the drug as an important contributing effect [9], while others believe that the neglectance of oral hygiene is the main culprit in the development of caries [10, 11]. The fact that the methamphetamine users tend to consume large volumes of carbohydrates in the absence of the buffering effect of saliva and no oral hygiene practices is a further contributing effect to the destruction of the teeth because of the formation of acids through plaque fermentation. This effect is further intensified by the fact that the duration of the drugs effect is ~12 hours whereas it is one hour for cocaine [9]."

Forgot bruxism.

I doubt Ph is much of a factor as little of the chemical remains in the mouth and the mouth tends to correct any ph imbalance fairly dynamicaly. Of course, constant immersion in acids are not good for one's teeth but now we are talking about drinking large amounts of solutions.


Well-Known Member
No very much dif, especialy the part where you become addicted, rob everyone you know, even your mom, wind up in jail with half your teeth missing due to rot and that is if you are lucky enough not to die.


Well-Known Member
I have known many meth heads, the ones who would not steal before their involvement in meth didn't steal during that involvement. I have found that it is rare for any drug to alter one's basic morals.


Active Member
I've known a lot of people who had amphetamine problems at one point in their lives. All of them are fine now. It's a remarkably non-toxic drug overall, SO LONG AS IT'S PURE! They looked like shit when they were on it - thin, no joy in their heart, but they weren't walking corpses like the commercials would have you believe.

The only drug I know to deserve it's outrageous reputation is datura. That shit literally makes people go into a state of complete madness and is very dangerous to play with. Not fun at all, either. Guess what? It's legal.


Well-Known Member
High grade meth really isn't that bad. It was used by every belligerent in WW2 to improve the performance of combat troops. High quality meth isn't that bad, especially if used in moderation. Yeah filthy one pot is bad, so is anything that's that dirty.
As far as meth mouth goes its mostly from dry mouth combined with the notoriously poor oral hygiene of addicts.
Its not the drug that's the problem, it's how the user uses it. I've seen people fiend for weed like crackheads.