is milking my toad considered "humane". doest seem to hurt it. like milking a cow?


New Member
its as natural as pot grown all she eats is crickets and rats believe it its better than shit people do like perks or coke or whatever intense high from it.... is it humane to milk it once in a while?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
its as natural as pot grown all she eats is crickets and rats believe it its better than shit people do like perks or coke or whatever intense high from it.... is it humane to milk it once in a while?
lmaooo hey u wanna drink toad milk to get you High go for it ... I'll tell you this much... someone was to walk in on you milking a river toad or whatever it is ..they gonna laugh & look at you like something wrong with you, nahmean??it dont seem normal to me to milk a frog type creature just to get high... is weed not cutting it for you anymore?


New Member
im just a vet. i guess, smoking dmt isnt really that weird. read about 5meodmt. ( maybe theres a toadkeeper out there whos seen behavior)


Well-Known Member
5-meo-dmt and bufotenin(5-ho-dmt) are the constituents of the poison gland on the Bufo Alvarius, or Colorado River Toad. It may not hurt the frog, but it really isn't natural. You are suppose to dry it, drip it onto a mirror, then it can be smoked. You can get 5-meo-dmt on the internet at various research chemical suppliers, it won't be as tainted from the shitty medicated crickets from Petsmart, and will be a cleaner experience so I have been lead to believe.

Check youtube for tutorials if you must try to smoke him.



New Member
glad youve also heard the toad is fine. i have now done it twice the toadster didnt seem to mind(other than not really wanting to be handled by a mammal in the first place) how is toad stuff not really natural? nature is a beast! i dont think they medicate crickets they are gut loaded with calcium which is a common amphibian deficiancy thats about it. Experiance is pretty fuckin clean you really get high as hell and come right down. i would hate to have my toad be upset dont think she is by the look of it but i still want to confirm if other people who know think its fine and humane like milkin a cow, farmer style natural drugs com'on rollitup


Active Member
The mental picture im getting of u milking a toad is extremely disturbing and hillarious all at the same time,lmao

Good luck toad milking,lol


New Member
thanks for the homer picture thats hilarious! seems to be equivalent to poping a big zit! but i was more wondering if the behavior would be different with/without venom in her system shes dmt trippin all day every day i wonder if she sobers up when i do it?


Active Member
I doubt the toad is trippin off it's own poison mechanism. I honestly don't see what's so weird about this. People milk a lot of different animals, cows, snakes (for their venom as well). What I would think is weird, is someone straight up licking the toad, which I have heard of. That's just nasty.


from what i understand its, like mentioned before, 5-meo-dmt, and bufotine.... and its not "milking" like most of you are thinking... its secreted out of its skin, its a defense mechanism.... that being said, you have to scare the frog to get it to release it's "toxin".... Other than scaring the poor lil fucker, there's nothing wrong with it.... much more humane than most of our modern "farm" practices on other animals.... just be sure to do the whole mirror/smoke it thing.... I fucking hate picturing people licking frogs


New Member
river toads are not that unattractive. they are not slimy. i dont scare my toad it has big bags that pop like projectile zits. i was just thinking it would get a rush of sobriety from rapid dmt extraction!