is milking my toad considered "humane". doest seem to hurt it. like milking a cow?


Well-Known Member
Lmfao, im picturing a guy takin his toad out of his terrarium and holding the frog above his mouth and popping these zits onto his tongue. Just picture it. Tongue out like gene simmmons and all.


Well-Known Member
ha ha i have the dankest drugs youll never get! my toad seems fine
Or I can just buy some tree bark offline for a much better and cleaner experience. Without having to take care of a pointless pet (sorry but honestly what do you do with it. Watch it walk around and hold it?)


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do with it, it is one less in the genepool out there in nature, great job.

PS. you don't get the same kind of DMT from frogs as you do from trees... (well not in a useable ratio).


New Member
if you think pets are pointless thats too bad for you i guess. they are the best pet there is. little old ladies with 30 pound bags of cat food ha! im out the pet store with a bag of crickets or a mouse. have fun with tree bark kid venom is hardcore shit! it is a captive bred so it is not out of natures gene pool it is a rescue from a breeder( gene pool increaser) im suprised so many schwags hate hallucinagenic toads. best pet ever and smokin toadsters is dank! my toad seems not to be affected negatively by a juicing which is why i started the thread- i love my trippy toad


Well-Known Member
Dude, I have more pets than you could imagine, my house is pretty much a zoo, but it is all domestic animals.

You need to consider whether the demand for the frogs or the supply of the frogs come first. Honestly you could get the same trip with a little cebil seed extraction.
I know I'm a big softy on animals.


Well-Known Member
I have 100's of these things right outside my house. They all come out after midnight, and then there hundreds upon hundreds of them! They took over the frog population down here in South Florida, and don't worry about all these people being weirdos. What you are doing is completely humane, and a free source of it for however the frog lives (how well you take care of it)! I respect what you're doing, even though nobody else seems to.


Well-Known Member
or at least one with an open mind that would take in drugs that nature has provided, that man has used for thousands of years....... ( no sarcasm)
I was never against the idea, I was just suggesting there a better alternatives if your looking for a DMT experience. Then he had to get all high and mighty on me and start talking about how since he has a toad he is some how a more advanced/better drug user, which is completely stupid in my opinion. Also can you provide evidence of the toad venom being used as a psychedelic for 1,000's of years I wanna know who's idea it was to smoke the poison sacs of a toad.


Active Member
Jesus he does not mean literally milk a toad by its "udders"

He means taking the bufotenin, and 5 meo dmt, from the toads poison glands...

In any case, those glands are there for protection for when an animal trys to eat it. In reality it shoots out the venom for self defense.. the other animal trips nuts, while the toad can get away.. pretty smart mechanism id say since its a win win for both sides... let him or her be, and enjoy their life until the end. No sense in abusing an animal to get dmt, when there are so many other sources of the same kind of dmt.

How would you like it if some giant just grabs you from the ground and pops a giant cyst on your back?

I have said this before that you can extract bufotenin or 5 meo dmt from yopo seeds quite easily, and there are two different kinds of yopo seeds, one with more 5 meo, and one with more bufotenin... yet no one seems to care since they are so desperate for a dmt experience...

Please come back and tell us how your experience went after some nausea and puking, not that it happens to everyone.. but also not that thats bad either haha I love the dmt purge no matter the type, just gotta be prepared or you are in for ONE HELL OF A RIDE, especially with bufo, and 5 meo...

And I forgot to mention that bufotenin is quite awesome haha.
im just a vet. i guess, smoking dmt isnt really that weird. read about 5meodmt. ( maybe theres a toadkeeper out there whos seen behavior)
"smoking" it may not be wierd, but MILKING A TOAD is for sure. Dude, you can order the pure crystalized form from exotic chemical suppliers, or you can pay a little bit more and go black market. either way, its not illegal to posess, technically. morally, posessing any substance that was recently inside my pet river toad would be just disgusting to me lol.
river toad bro itll kill your fuckin dog and get you hi dude

it could constitute a criminal violation if it can be shown that one is in possession of this toad with the intent to milk and smoke its venom. In November 2007, a man in kansas city was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance when police discovered B. alvarius toad poison in his possession.:wall: is it worth a felony?


New Member
it could constitute a criminal violation if it can be shown that one is in possession of this toad with the intent to milk and smoke its venom. In November 2007, a man in kansas city was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance when police discovered B. alvarius toad poison in his possession.:wall: is it worth a felony?[/QUOTE]

i dont live in fear of the cops neither should you... my toad did not care at all the first two times last time she looked kind of perturbed so i dont know probably just need to know exactly how to squeeze it just right?.... i do not want to "perturb" my toadster

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
"i have nipples Greg, could you milk me?" sorry had to do it. I imagine it would be like milking a snake for venom, i dont think it hurts the toad.