Is mine a Hermie?

Hey guys,

See attached pics. About half way up the plant it has these little bulbs at the internodes off the main stem. These starting coming up a week ago or so. The plant was for sure female to start, as there are those pistils at the internodes. But this plant was under a bit of stress (ph issues, nute issues) so maybe it turned it into a hermie?

So seeing as I am now two weeks into flowering (see attached for first flower at the top) what should I do? I have one other female right beside it. Should I cut down the hermie, or can I manage it? If so, do I just slice off all those little bulbs with a razor blade?



Sorry, grew these from feminized seeds - that's why I'm curious if this one is a hermie or if it can even become a hermie......


Well-Known Member
It's really hard to say, because the pics aren't quite close enough. They could be balls forming, that's all I can say, atm. Can you get any closer pics?
Check those out..... you can kindof see the little sacs... in the second pic you can see the pistils then the sac is to the right of the stem. Sorry, my camera sucks bad - it looks way more obvious in real life......
Or if it looks more like a tear drop could be be a good thing - a female calyx? Do those form at the internodes - and white hairs will come out of them?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I'd say those are pollen sacs. Sucks, but I'm pretty sure of that. If you pick one off, does it come off as a whole round/oval pod? If so, they're balls.
I'll try to pick just one off for fun and see if it comes off.

Also, I should be able to get better pictures tonight. My iPhone cam SUCKS and my old other cam has a shitty resolution.

If they are pollen sacs/balls - can I tweeze them off as I see come up if I want to keep that plant at this stage? It's already just passed week 2 of flowering, and I only have two plants total....... the other is a strong female......


New Member
still hard to tell by pics kind of looks like it but u better get it away from your other till u know i had one show up the other nite but didnt catch it till it busted a nut in my room


Well-Known Member
Yep, you can pick them off as they appear, but you have to be VERY thorough. I did it once, and it worked great, but took alot of time and effort.
So if I take the risk of picking off the sacs, the worst outcome is it infects my other plant if one opens up and turns the good female plant into a hermie - right?

And my other question is say I keep picking off the sacs and my other plant stays a good female. That one hermie, will it have lots of seeds in the flowers? And will it not be good to smoke - or will it just be messy?

Sorry, it's my first grow. I already a month or two ago took the pledge to cruise the forums later once I learn and help others - so thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Nope, at worst, your other plant gets pollinated, and ruins your smoke. That's why I said to be VERY thorough. If you miss one, you're going to be VERY disappointed.
Okay, *sniffle sniffle*, I'm going to just give 'er the axe!

Actually, can I do something like just put it in a dark closet to get anything out of it - seeds, etc?


Well-Known Member
Oooops, I forgot to mention that there's a product called Dutchmasters Reverse, that's supposed to kill pollen, halt any more sacs from forming, or something to that effect. I never looked into it myself, but have heard that it works pretty well. It's worth checking out. :)


Active Member
if it is a hemi and its one plant and you can move it to another room and let if finish with another lite. you will get seeds that you will be able to continue to keep and grow more of that strain.i heard once that if you flower and hemi and let it turn to seed that those seeds are a suppose to feminized seeds i dont know if there is any truth to it


New Member
dont axe it finish it i got the hermie i found in a closet in a stacked rubbermaid box with comp fan and 6 cfls that is after i picked sacs off it with twezzers


Active Member
you may want to spray the pollen sacks with water before sniping them off to keep the pollen from becoming airborn,and I read somewhere about seeds from a hermie being feminized but I have no exsperence with it myself so cant be 100% on that, good luck on the casterizing.