Is Miracle Grow Plant Food?


Well-Known Member
hey i know this is an old thread, my experience with miracle grow is moderation, i wouldn't advise feeding plants with miracle grow more than 3 times a week due to the high amount of nitrogen, also make sure that if your using miracle grow to flush properly or as previously posted use 1 tbsp in a gallon, also i would advise using molasses, this provides many other micro nutrients to the plant no fertilizer has, to simplify use it in moderation and flush and you shouldnt have too many problems

Truth B Known

Active Member
i wouldn't use miraclegro.. go organic.. but ya, like bluemagicman said, i'd water with a organic blackstrap molasses mix every watering in flower.
Dont use it, I am a newby and I know that much. I can taste that shit in the weed when people use it. Take the drive, its worth the time and money.
its okay to use but you have to know how to get rid of the taste of the chemicals before you harvest your plants.


Well-Known Member
Obviously this is a very old thread but I wanted to ask anyone that might know I have a couple plants in veg stage I have been using the reg MG 8-7-6 liquid plant food, but I was recently looking at some fox farms grow big and comparing the two. Since I'm in veg i was looking at the nitrogen in MG it has a total of 8% with 1.2% ammoniacal nitrogen, 1.2% nitrate nitrogen, and 5.6% Urea nitrogen. Where as the fox farms grow big has only .15% ammoniacal and 2.85% nitrate nitrogen, as well as other things such as boron, zinc and so on. Anyways I'm rambling, but my question is that since its in veg stage should i just go with the one with higher nitrogen content, or is Urea Nitrogen less beneficial for the plant than the nitrate nitrogen which has a higher concentration in the FF grow big plant food?