Is MMJ helping Michigan's economy? "Michigan’s economy had the fastest growth in the Midwest"


Well-Known Member
You also must take into account trump..trump has said on numerous occations, he is a states rights, and has said he would leave it up to the states..i dont see much changing, i def dont see a nation wide major crackdown with dea heading it. Its just not plausible, the amount of public and state back lash they would recieve would be enormous, trump being a numbers and cents guy. Also with his ego, he just would not want that stigma of being "that guy".
trumps has no feelings....I don't believe he even has a heart..


Well-Known Member
it all counts......wait and see what Trumps legacy will be:roll:
I think that is all we can do is wait and see what trumps legacy will be, every one is acting like he is already changing laws and is already the prez!

I think the only thing the mm community needs to be fearful of is possibly losing our pt/cg grow rights! And the way we will lose them is by it becoming rec legal and not allowing as many plants per person, I would enjoy the mass rec law, 10 oz's and 12 plants, only two adults can grow 12 plants each in one house hold, and you are only allowed to posses 1 oz out side of your home, Im pretty sure I could live with that law!

Trump has done nothing but talk stupid so far, he hasnt even started his first day of work and all of the haters act like the sky is falling!

I dont want nothing to happen to our law, but not having a law never stopped me before, in fact I feel more unsecure now than I did before I was legal!



Well-Known Member
You also must take into account trump..trump has said on numerous occations, he is a states rights, and has said he would leave it up to the states..i dont see much changing, i def dont see a nation wide major crackdown with dea heading it. Its just not plausible, the amount of public and state back lash they would recieve would be enormous, trump being a numbers and cents guy. Also with his ego, he just would not want that stigma of being "that guy".
I don't believe a single word that comes out of his pie hole. Best to prepare for anything and everything.


Well-Known Member
every one is acting like he is already changing laws and is already the prez!
I don't think Trump got that memo. Talking about China, nuclear weapons, etc. He needs to shut the fuck up about policy until he's sworn in. We already have a president, we don't need him spouting off every damn day on Twitter. Twitter!! smh


Well-Known Member
I don't think Trump got that memo. Talking about China, nuclear weapons, etc. He needs to shut the fuck up about policy until he's sworn in. We already have a president, we don't need him spouting off every damn day on Twitter. Twitter!! smh
I totaly agree with you!


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
By that logic then our massive debt really is his legacy hahahaha, you might as well throw in the massive death tole in syria as well. :)

G.W.Bush came into power with a 0 (that's ZERO) national debt! By the time HE Left office for Obama. The National debt was at an all time high! Obama was stuck with the bill!

The massive debt was, and IS W's legacy! TRUMP will do NOTHING to lower that! In fact it's set to increase by a rate almost as fast as W's....A new record high when he leaves.

His tax cuts for corporations and the top 2% will do NOTHING to increase jobs, nor will it increase your pay! Trickle down economic's has NEVER worked!

How the hell does the trailer trash class and those "middle class" voters who elected him. Think a BILLIONAIRE and his BILLIONAIRE cabinet are going to make their lives "better"...

I live in Michigan! I KNOW who Betsy Devos is! You all can begin to kiss public education good by! She stands for reducing support for public schools and increasing charter schools. Believes in spending public dollars to support pvt religious schools,,even if your kids don't go and/or you can't afford the "tuition" to send them to one! "It's only fair" Say the FUCK WHAT? Send your children to the one you want! Think there was segregation before? Haves to these and have not's over how do you think that breaks down? And that's just the secretary of "education"!!

What about Housing and urban development? BEN CARSON? He's a fucking pediatric neurosurgeon !!! What the fuck does he know about "Housing and Urban Development?" Not to mention that it'll be on a national scale! Did he simply pick him because he's BLACK? How does that make him an expert on housing and urban development! Is it because Trump thinks that's all about inner cities and "projects"? Think ol' Ben lives in one?

I haven't even spoken on WORLD affairs!

We're in for a world of hurt!
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How about Trump wanting to deport 12 MILLION illegal aliens....Illegal is illegal after all right? YUP, I agree......BUT - - - -

To do that in 4 years would take over 1800 illegals a DAY to be deported! That will take an estimated cost of about 60-70K per deportee to do.....Mmm simple grade school math tells me that's at LEAST ,,,,,,, drum roll ,,,,,,, 7.2 TRILLION dollars!

Get out your wallets Trump lovers! The rich ain't gunna pay for it!

Wanna change your vote yet?
The real sad part is.....I hate Hillary just as much!
The DNC fucked us!
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You can all read the legislature that was passed. It does not effect patients and caregivers or that model. Everything is business as usual on our end, unless you doing business with a dispensary.

For them to take anything away from the mmma requires this process to be done all over again, considering it took years for the package to pass-barely i might add. The sky is still up there.

This thread is pertinent to MICHIGAN growers , caregivers, and patients..pretty sure its right where it needs to be. By the way..i voted for trump.

For everyone on the sessions freak out train..the AG/dea were and will never be the ones to change anything with prohibition, to think so it moronic. I suggest you look at trumps pick for the fda.
You're deluded if you think they can't change numbers and eliminate caregivers! How fucking long did it take to GUT the law when your republicans took office?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The ag job is to enforce laws. Whatever ag was picked would of done nothing to change prohibition period. To think that any attorney general was going or is going to change prohibition is moronic. There goes there job security. That was my point for the slow people found on these boards.
Don't forget the amount of money the Justice, DEA, Homeland and ICE, get for doing that job......Take away MJ and all you have is a a pile of coke and heroin kilo's to show. Weed has bulk and size! Takes warehouses to hold it all! Makes a big impression to see a room full of 40lb bales over a table size pile of coke kilo's!

"Look Ma! I'm actually doing something"! Sheee-IT!
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